

AndreM222 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi awesome plugin but I wanted to set up a animated gif and is working except for the fact that is not centering and wanted some help regarding the situation. Thanks ind advance.

It looks like this


the code is this

local dashboard = require("alpha.themes.dashboard")
local dynamic_header = {
    type = "terminal",
    command = "chafa -c full --fg-only --symbols braille " .. os.getenv("USERPROFILE") .. "\\OneDrive\\Imágenes\\EnergyGif.gif",
    width = 90,
    height = 24,
    opts = {
        position = "center",-- position = "left",
        redraw = true,
        window_config = {}

local if_nil = vim.F.if_nil

local footer = {
    type = "text",
    val = "",
    opts = {
        position = "center",
        hl = "Number"

local leader = "SPC"

--- @param sc string
--- @param txt string
--- @param keybind string? optional
--- @param keybind_opts table? optional
local function button(sc, txt, keybind, keybind_opts)
    local sc_ = sc:gsub("%s", ""):gsub(leader, "<leader>")

    local opts = {
        position = "center",
        shortcut = sc,
        cursor = 5,
        width = 50,
        align_shortcut = "right",
        hl_shortcut = "Keyword",
    if keybind then
        keybind_opts = if_nil(keybind_opts, { noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true })
        opts.keymap = { "n", sc_, keybind, keybind_opts }

    local function on_press()
        local key = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(keybind or sc_ .. "<Ignore>", true, false, true)
        vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(key, "t", false)

    return {
        type = "button",
        val = txt,
        on_press = on_press,
        opts = opts,

local buttons = {
    type = "group",
    val = {
        button("e", "  New file", "<cmd>ene <CR>"),
        button("\\t", "  Find file"),
        button("\\\\", "  Recently opened files"),
        button("\\l", "  Find word"),
        button("\\r", "  Open last session"),
    opts = {
        spacing = 1,

local section = {
    header = dynamic_header,
    buttons = buttons,
    footer = footer,

local config = {
    layout = {
        { type = "padding", val = 5 },
        { type = "padding", val = 2 },
    opts = {
        margin = 5,
        noautocmd = true,
        redraw_on_resize = true

dashboard.opts = config


you probably need to decrease the width of the dynamic_header. i can only center the window, not the text in the window