
[Question] when I try to change the color I get an error, am I doing something wrong?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

so I read some issues and looked at documentation and I imagine that this

dashboard.section.header.opts.hl = {{'Normal guifg=White', 0, 1}}

should not throw any errors (this is not meant to actually be what I use or a correct range, it's just to test out as I am new to nvim)

but I get the error

Error executing lua callback: attempt to call a nil value
stack traceback: in function <> in function 'layout' in function 'draw' in function 'start' in function <>

what am I doing wrong?

actually now it just does that, even after I deleted that line, it must be something else in my config (I'm using lazy.nvim)

return {
	config = function()
		local alpha = require("alpha")
		local dashboard = require("alpha.themes.dashboard")

		-- Set header
		dashboard.section.header.val = {
			[[  /\\\\\     /\\\  /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\       /\\\\\       /\\\        /\\\  /\\\\\\\\\\\  /\\\\            /\\\\         ]],
			[[  \/\\\\\\   \/\\\ \/\\\///////////      /\\\///\\\    \/\\\       \/\\\ \/////\\\///  \/\\\\\\        /\\\\\\        ]],
			[[   \/\\\/\\\  \/\\\ \/\\\               /\\\/  \///\\\  \//\\\      /\\\      \/\\\     \/\\\//\\\    /\\\//\\\       ]],
			[[    \/\\\//\\\ \/\\\ \/\\\\\\\\\\\      /\\\      \//\\\  \//\\\    /\\\       \/\\\     \/\\\\///\\\/\\\/ \/\\\      ]],
			[[     \/\\\\//\\\\/\\\ \/\\\///////      \/\\\       \/\\\   \//\\\  /\\\        \/\\\     \/\\\  \///\\\/   \/\\\     ]],
			[[      \/\\\ \//\\\/\\\ \/\\\             \//\\\      /\\\     \//\\\/\\\         \/\\\     \/\\\    \///     \/\\\    ]],
			[[       \/\\\  \//\\\\\\ \/\\\              \///\\\  /\\\        \//\\\\\          \/\\\     \/\\\             \/\\\   ]],
			[[        \/\\\   \//\\\\\ \/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    \///\\\\\/          \//\\\        /\\\\\\\\\\\ \/\\\             \/\\\  ]],
			[[         \///     \/////  \///////////////       \/////             \///        \///////////  \///              \///  ]],

		-- Set menu
		 dashboard.section.buttons.val= {
			type = "group",
			val = {
				{ type = "text", val = "Quick links", opts = { hl = "SpecialComment", position = "center" } },
				{ type = "padding", val = 1 },
				dashboard.button("e", "  New file", "<cmd>ene<CR>"),
				dashboard.button("u", "  Update plugins", "<cmd>Lazy sync<CR>"),
				dashboard.button("q", "󰩈  Quit", "<cmd>qa<CR>"),
			position = "center",
		-- Send config to alpha

		-- Disable folding on alpha buffer
				autocmd FileType alpha setlocal nofoldenable

alpha uses these as arguments to vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight, i don't think 'Normal guifg=White' is a valid highlight group. you probably need to create a new highlight group and set guifg there

thank you, I'm just starting out and I got confused reading the docs, I'll do as you say

hi again, sorry to disturb you with dumb questions again, but I keep getting errors:

Error executing lua callback: attempt to compare nil with number
stack traceback: in function 'single_line' in function 'highlight' in function <> in function 'layout' in function 'draw' in function 'start' in function <>

for both dashboard.section.header.opts.hl = 'top_of_mlm' and dashboard.section.header.opts.hl = {'top_of_mlm', 1, 118}

and error

Error executing lua callback: attempt to call a nil value
stack traceback: in function <> in function 'layout' in function 'draw' in function 'start' in function <>


dashboard.section.header.opts.hl = {
	{'top_of_mlm', 1, 118},
	{'top_of_mlm', 121, 238},
	{'top_middle_of_mlm', 241, 358},
	{'top_middle_of_mlm', 361, 478},
	{'middle_of_mlm', 481, 598},
	{'bottom_middle_of_mlm', 601, 718},
	{'bottom_middle_of_mlm', 721, 838},
	{'bottom_of_mlm', 841, 958},
	{'bottom_of_mlm', 961, 1078},

I set up the the highlights like this:


vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "top_of_mlm", {fg = "#078d70"})
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "top_middle_of_mlm", {fg = "#98e8c1"})
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "middle_of_mlm", {fg = "#ffffff"})
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "bottom_middle_of_mlm", {fg = "#7bade2"})
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "bottom_of_mlm", {fg = "#3d1a78"})

in a separate file

what am I doing wrong here?

edit: here is what the header is set to:

dashboard.section.header.val = {
	[[  /\\\\\     /\\\  /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\       /\\\\\       /\\\        /\\\  /\\\\\\\\\\\  /\\\\            /\\\\         ]],
	[[  \/\\\\\\   \/\\\ \/\\\///////////      /\\\///\\\    \/\\\       \/\\\ \/////\\\///  \/\\\\\\        /\\\\\\        ]],
	[[   \/\\\/\\\  \/\\\ \/\\\               /\\\/  \///\\\  \//\\\      /\\\      \/\\\     \/\\\//\\\    /\\\//\\\       ]],
	[[    \/\\\//\\\ \/\\\ \/\\\\\\\\\\\      /\\\      \//\\\  \//\\\    /\\\       \/\\\     \/\\\\///\\\/\\\/ \/\\\      ]],
	[[     \/\\\\//\\\\/\\\ \/\\\///////      \/\\\       \/\\\   \//\\\  /\\\        \/\\\     \/\\\  \///\\\/   \/\\\     ]],
	[[      \/\\\ \//\\\/\\\ \/\\\             \//\\\      /\\\     \//\\\/\\\         \/\\\     \/\\\    \///     \/\\\    ]],
	[[       \/\\\  \//\\\\\\ \/\\\              \///\\\  /\\\        \//\\\\\          \/\\\     \/\\\             \/\\\   ]],
	[[        \/\\\   \//\\\\\ \/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    \///\\\\\/          \//\\\        /\\\\\\\\\\\ \/\\\             \/\\\  ]],
	[[         \///     \/////  \///////////////       \/////             \///        \///////////  \///              \///  ]],

you have to change this line

		 dashboard.section.buttons.val= {

to this

		 dashboard.section.buttons= {

otherwise your data is laid out wrong. I admit error messages for that could be a little better, eventually i will write a table validation function

@Dario48true sorry for the late response, I don't have a lot of energy to answer questions lately

@goolord don't worry about the late reply, rather thank you for replying at all, you had nothing forcing you to do it and you did it, and I am extremely thankful for that, you are a great dev