
Showering without clothes isn't cleaning me at all.

Closed this issue · 1 comments




When I shower without clothes, I am not cleaned at all, and if I wear clothes I can only clean to 40%.

Steps to reproduce

Wait for hygiene moodle to lower to stinkyness, try to take shower, notice you can't clean with clothes off, put clothes on and clean to 40%.

Expected Behavior

For me to be able to shower without clothes on to fully clean myself.

Additional Information & Screenshots

Reported by: centauration
Client version: 515.1635
On server: Goonstation 3 Roleplay: Morty
Active test merges: #19292 and #19460
Round log date: 2024-06-12-06-45
Reported on: 2024-06-12 07:50:36
Round ID: 181307

fixed by cd92d34, sorry about that!