
Engineer Slots Uncapped

Closed this issue · 2 comments




It appears that there is no cap on the engineer job. Currently there are 7 engineers, with another slot available (presumably more past that, like staff assistant). Even with there being more engineering slots with mechanics being merged, I didn't think that there's supposed to be that many? I can't find where it is in the code so I can't confirm unfortunately

Steps to reproduce

N/A, since this is surely a configuration thing
Current map is Kondaru, but presumably this is for all maps.

Expected Behavior

Expected for there to be less engineers

Additional Information & Screenshots

Reported by: spoodle
Client version: 515.1637
On server: Goonstation 1 Classic: Heisenbee
Active test merges: #19292, #19460, and #19331
Round log date: 2024-06-14-21-37
Reported on: 2024-06-14 22:06:30
Round ID: 181490

The cap was raised from 5 to 8. As far as I can tell, things are working as intended.

the max is 8 yeah