
Error when typing in Atom/Nteract: "{Current Date/Time} Unhandled shell message: complete_request"

dscottboggs opened this issue · 1 comments

As the title says, any time I type in a Go file in Atom after running a line with gophernotes I get an error like this
2018/04/07 11:17:46 Unhandled shell message: complete_request

This shows up in the top-right as a bubble, like most messages in Atom. When I select "show debug messages" in the Hydrogen settings, and display the console, nothing of relevance shows up. The kernel seems to work, but those messages make it very difficult to actually write the code.

TL;DR updating gophernotes should solve the problem. Let me know if does or not.

Long version:

The message you reported is a warning generated by gopherdata: it receives a complete_request, i.e. a request to perform auto-completion, either because you pressed the TAB key, or because Atom/Nteract send such request by themselves.

Until yesterday, auto-completion was not supported in gophernotes, so it printed such warning.

In Jupyter, such warnings are usually not visible, because they are sent to standard output of the server, not to the web interface.
I did not know that Atom/Nteract captures gophernotes standard output and shows it. I agree it's very annoying.

The good news is that such messages should have disappeared now that auto-completion is supported (see commit 886f25f).