
gophernotes and replace on go.mod

0xstepit opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to use gophernotes to test some Cosmos SDK functionality. In particular, I would like to run in a notebook this test:

but when I run the import:

import (

    dbm ""

    tiavl ""

    sdk ""

I obtain the following error:

error executing "/usr/local/go/bin/go build -buildmode=plugin" in directory "/Users/stepyt/go/src/gomacro.imports/gomacro_pid_3616/import_1": exit status 2

By looking at Jupyter logs with:

jupyter notebook --log-level DEBUG

I receive the following: module found (v1.3.2), but does not contain package

The SDK has a replace inside go.mod of the protobuf package. Can be related to this the error?