
Kernel shows up but does not work

Mxbonn opened this issue · 2 comments

I installed gophernotes following the instructions and now Go shows up as an option in my notebooks but when I try to execute something I get errors like

/var/folders/z5/zxdqxy_9595fs4z40wz496x40000gn/T/824132211/func_proxy.go:4:4: expected declaration, found 'IDENT' ...


I'm working with OS X El Capitan (10.11.6) and Go 1.9 (Issue was also present on 1.8)

not sure whether that is the underlying issue, but...
does it work if you type:

hello := "hello"

(ie: double-quotes, not single-quotes)

Uch I feel so stupid.. :p yes that worked.