SQUAD ListPlayers result limited to 23 playters of 100 (handle multiple packets?)
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I faced with issue when I'm executing ListPlayers comand in SQUAD game on full server.
Every execution of ListPlayers returns only 23 players.
So to get full list of players I need run this command 5 (!) times.
Moreover, when I run it 6th time - it returns some random server logs instead of players (2nd screen).
Please fix this strange behaviour.
the problem happens because your lib didn't continue reading data if packet size is more than 4kb
currently i'm using java rcon lib
https://github.com/ribasco/async-gamequery-lib where this fucntionallity implemented and working good
please, take a look on it
@romanvoloboev If you still need to read packets for squad, then I implemented mine specifically for squad, you can try using