
FastCGI.php line 114: Error: File not found. (when using configuration file)

bluec opened this issue · 8 comments

bluec commented

I'm a bit baffled by this.

CacheTool: 8.4.0
PHP: 8.1.5

Running the command with arguments cachetool opcache:status --fcgi= works as expected but as soon as I use a .cachetool.yml I always get an error:

In FastCGI.php line 114:

  Error: File not found.

This is my .cachetool.yml:

adapter: fastcgi

Without any .cachetool.yml:

$ cachetool opcache:status --fcgi=
| Name                 | Value                           |
| Enabled              | Yes                             |
| Cache full           | No                              |
| Restart pending      | No                              |
| Restart in progress  | No                              |
| Memory used          | 106.33 MiB                      |
| Memory free          | 21.67 MiB                       |
| Memory wasted (%)    | 0 b (0%)                        |
| Strings buffer size  | 6 MiB                           |
| Strings memory used  | 6 MiB                           |
| Strings memory free  | 0 b                             |
| Number of strings    | 53224                           |
| Cached scripts       | 3424                            |
| Cached keys          | 6742                            |
| Max cached keys      | 16229                           |
| Start time           | Wed, 11 May 2022 11:02:52 +0100 |
| Last restart time    | Never                           |
| Oom restarts         | 0                               |
| Hash restarts        | 0                               |
| Manual restarts      | 0                               |
| Hits                 | 67059                           |
| Misses               | 3434                            |
| Blacklist misses (%) | 0 (0%)                          |
| Opcache hit rate     | 95.128594328515                 |

With the .cachetool.yml as described above:

$ cachetool opcache:status

In FastCGI.php line 114:

  Error: File not found.


Same here with:

php81 ~/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar opcache:status --fcgi=/var/run/php-fpm/mig-attri-0b5049.socket

In FastCGI.php line 114:
  Error: No input file specified.  

When using "--cli"

php81 ~/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar opcache:status --fcgi=/var/run/php-fpm/mig-attri-0b5049.socket --cli     
| Name                 | Value                           |
| Enabled              | Yes                             |
| Cache full           | No                              |
| Restart pending      | No                              |
| Restart in progress  | No                              |
| Memory used          | 8.74 MiB                        |
| Memory free          | 119.26 MiB                      |
| Memory wasted (%)    | 0 b (0%)                        |
| Strings buffer size  | 6 MiB                           |
| Strings memory used  | 437.91 KiB                      |
| Strings memory free  | 5.57 MiB                        |
| Number of strings    | 9352                            |
| Cached scripts       | 0                               |
| Cached keys          | 0                               |
| Max cached keys      | 16229                           |
| Start time           | Mon, 16 May 2022 08:26:35 +0000 |
| Last restart time    | Never                           |
| Oom restarts         | 0                               |
| Hash restarts        | 0                               |
| Manual restarts      | 0                               |
| Hits                 | 0                               |
| Misses               | 1                               |
| Blacklist misses (%) | 0 (0%)                          |
| Opcache hit rate     | 0                               |

Can you run with maximum verbosity mode on? What is the file permissions of .cachetool.yml?

cachetool -vvv opcache:status
bluec commented


Without any .cachetool.yml this is the output:

$ cachetool -vvv opcache:status

Box Requirements Checker

> Using PHP 8.1.5
> PHP is using the following php.ini file:

> Checking Box requirements:
  ✔ The application requires the version ">=8.0.0" or greater.
  ✔ The package "hollodotme/fast-cgi-client" requires the extension "json".

 [OK] Your system is ready to run the application.

[2022-06-06T10:13:12.747636+01:00] cachetool.INFO: CacheTool 8.4.0 [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.749376+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Config: {"adapter":"fastcgi","extensions":["apcu","opcache"],"fastcgi":null,"temp_dir":null} [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.752053+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\ApcuProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.752296+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\PhpProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.752587+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\OpcacheProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.752637+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Setting adapter: CacheTool\Adapter\FastCGI [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755472+01:00] cachetool.NOTICE: Executing: extension_loaded("Zend OPcache") [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755534+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\ApcuProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755566+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_add [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755589+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_cache_info [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755622+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_regexp_get_keys [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755647+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_cas [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755666+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_clear_cache [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755687+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_dec [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755708+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_delete [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755726+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_regexp_delete [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755745+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_exists [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755763+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_fetch [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755780+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_inc [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755798+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_sma_info [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755815+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_store [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755833+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_version [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755850+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\PhpProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755881+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: extension_loaded [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755902+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: ini_get [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755921+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: ini_set [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755939+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: phpversion [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755957+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_realpath_get [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755974+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_realpath_size [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.755992+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_cache_clear [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756010+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: _eval [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756028+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\OpcacheProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756056+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_compile_file [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756077+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_compile_files [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756095+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_get_configuration [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756113+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_get_status [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756131+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_invalidate [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756149+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_invalidate_many [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756167+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_reset [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756184+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_version [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756378+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Executing code: return extension_loaded('Zend OPcache'); [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756453+01:00] cachetool.INFO: FastCGI: Dumped code to file: /dev/shm/cachetool-629dc528b8abd6.78796418.php [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.756521+01:00] cachetool.INFO: FastCGI: Requesting FPM using socket: [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.766377+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: FastCGI: Response: {} [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.766469+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Return errors: [] [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.766556+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Return result: true [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.766605+01:00] cachetool.NOTICE: Executing: opcache_get_status(false) [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.766699+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Executing code: return opcache_get_status(false); [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.766781+01:00] cachetool.INFO: FastCGI: Dumped code to file: /dev/shm/cachetool-629dc528bb2ff8.25371945.php [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.766865+01:00] cachetool.INFO: FastCGI: Requesting FPM using socket: [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.768999+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: FastCGI: Response: {} [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.769102+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Return errors: [] [] []
[2022-06-06T10:13:12.769161+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Return result: {"opcache_enabled":true,"cache_full":true,"restart_pending":false,"restart_in_progress":false,"memory_usage":{"used_memory":134213288,"free_memory":4440,"wasted_memory":0,"current_wasted_percentage":0},"interned_strings_usage":{"buffer_size":6290992,"used_memory":6290992,"free_memory":0,"number_of_strings":53224},"opcache_statistics":{"num_cached_scripts":4870,"num_cached_keys":9606,"max_cached_keys":16229,"hits":403154,"start_time":1652263372,"last_restart_time":1652267225,"oom_restarts":0,"hash_restarts":0,"manual_restarts":2,"misses":34479,"blacklist_misses":0,"blacklist_miss_ratio":0,"opcache_hit_rate":92.12148078412734},"jit":{"enabled":false,"on":false,"kind":5,"opt_level":4,"opt_flags":6,"buffer_size":0,"buffer_free":0}} [] []
| Name                 | Value                           |
| Enabled              | Yes                             |
| Cache full           | Yes                             |
| Restart pending      | No                              |
| Restart in progress  | No                              |
| Memory used          | 128 MiB                         |
| Memory free          | 4.34 KiB                        |
| Memory wasted (%)    | 0 b (0%)                        |
| Strings buffer size  | 6 MiB                           |
| Strings memory used  | 6 MiB                           |
| Strings memory free  | 0 b                             |
| Number of strings    | 53224                           |
| Cached scripts       | 4870                            |
| Cached keys          | 9606                            |
| Max cached keys      | 16229                           |
| Start time           | Wed, 11 May 2022 11:02:52 +0100 |
| Last restart time    | Wed, 11 May 2022 12:07:05 +0100 |
| Oom restarts         | 0                               |
| Hash restarts        | 0                               |
| Manual restarts      | 2                               |
| Hits                 | 403154                          |
| Misses               | 34479                           |
| Blacklist misses (%) | 0 (0%)                          |
| Opcache hit rate     | 92.121480784127                 |

With the following .cachetool.yml (it has permissions 0644)...

adapter: fastcgi

... this is the output:

$ cachetool -vvv opcache:status

Box Requirements Checker

> Using PHP 8.1.5
> PHP is using the following php.ini file:

> Checking Box requirements:
  ✔ The application requires the version ">=8.0.0" or greater.
  ✔ The package "hollodotme/fast-cgi-client" requires the extension "json".

 [OK] Your system is ready to run the application.

[2022-06-06T10:15:42.574784+01:00] cachetool.INFO: CacheTool 8.4.0 [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.576574+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Config: {"adapter":"fastcgi","extensions":["apcu","opcache"],"fastcgi":"","temp_dir":"\/tmp"} [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.579384+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\ApcuProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.579667+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\PhpProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.579990+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\OpcacheProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.580073+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Setting adapter: CacheTool\Adapter\FastCGI [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.582896+01:00] cachetool.NOTICE: Executing: extension_loaded("Zend OPcache") [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.582989+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\ApcuProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583054+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_add [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583107+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_cache_info [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583156+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_regexp_get_keys [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583203+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_cas [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583251+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_clear_cache [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583296+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_dec [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583343+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_delete [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583390+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_regexp_delete [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583436+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_exists [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583500+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_fetch [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583547+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_inc [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583581+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_sma_info [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583630+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_store [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583674+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_version [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583718+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\PhpProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583763+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: extension_loaded [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583796+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: ini_get [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583827+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: ini_set [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583882+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: phpversion [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583916+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_realpath_get [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583946+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_realpath_size [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.583977+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_cache_clear [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584007+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: _eval [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584037+01:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\OpcacheProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584080+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_compile_file [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584113+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_compile_files [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584148+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_get_configuration [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584178+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_get_status [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584208+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_invalidate [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584238+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_invalidate_many [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584268+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_reset [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584298+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_version [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584515+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Executing code: return extension_loaded('Zend OPcache'); [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584631+01:00] cachetool.INFO: FastCGI: Dumped code to file: /tmp/cachetool-629dc5be8eb743.77789875.php [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.584793+01:00] cachetool.INFO: FastCGI: Requesting FPM using socket: [] []
[2022-06-06T10:15:42.589052+01:00] cachetool.DEBUG: FastCGI: Response: {} [] []

In FastCGI.php line 114:

  Error: File not found.

Exception trace:
  at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/src/Adapter/FastCGI.php:114
 CacheTool\Adapter\FastCGI->doRun() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/src/Adapter/AbstractAdapter.php:43
 CacheTool\Adapter\AbstractAdapter->run() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/src/Proxy/PhpProxy.php:64
 CacheTool\Proxy\PhpProxy->extension_loaded() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/src/CacheTool.php:165
 CacheTool\CacheTool->__call() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/src/Command/AbstractCommand.php:38
 CacheTool\Command\AbstractCommand->ensureExtensionLoaded() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/src/Command/OpcacheStatusCommand.php:38
 CacheTool\Command\OpcacheStatusCommand->execute() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:299
 Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:978
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/src/Console/Application.php:148
 CacheTool\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:295
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/src/Console/Application.php:131
 CacheTool\Console\Application->doRun() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:167
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at phar:///usr/local/bin/cachetool/bin/cachetool:26
 require() at /usr/local/bin/cachetool:14

bluec commented

Seems to be related to the tmp-dir setting...

cachetool -vvv opcache:status --fcgi= # works
cachetool -vvv opcache:status --fcgi= --tmp-dir=/dev/shm #works
cachetool -vvv opcache:status --fcgi= --tmp-dir=/tmp #fails

If we run with no parameters and instead use a .cachetool.yml file for config then...

This works:

adapter: fastcgi
temp_dir: /dev/shm

This fails:

adapter: fastcgi
temp_dir: /dev/shm/cachetool

This fails:

adapter: fastcgi
temp_dir: /tmp

This fails:

adapter: fastcgi
bluec commented

One thing that surfaces from this (aside from the inconsistent tmp_dir vs tmp-dir) is that when the tmp_dir setting is omitted there seems to be inconsistent handling of the default tmp_dir when run with and without a config file...

When run without a config file and no tmp-dir argument then the tmp_dir config is null and it appears to default to /dev/shm. However, when run with a config file that has no tmp_dir setting the tmp_dir config is set to /tmp


My original stack trace is the same as bluec.

When I use the --tmp-dir=/tmp or --tmp-dir=/dev/shm argument I got this one:

$ php81 ~/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar -vvv  opcache:status --tmp-dir /dev/shm --fcgi /var/run/php-fpm/mig-attri-0b5049.socket

Box Requirements Checker

> Using PHP 8.1.4
> PHP is using the following php.ini file:

> Checking Box requirements:
  ✔ The application requires the version ">=8.0.0" or greater.
  ✔ The package "hollodotme/fast-cgi-client" requires the extension "json".
 [OK] Your system is ready to run the application.                                                                                         

[2022-06-06T10:09:52.132261+00:00] cachetool.INFO: CacheTool 8.3.0 [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.140012+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Config: {"adapter":"fastcgi","extensions":["apcu","opcache"],"fastcgi":"\/var\/run\/php-fpm\/mig-attri-0b5049.socket","temp_dir":"\/dev\/shm","fastcgiChroot":false} [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.148805+00:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\ApcuProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.149453+00:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\PhpProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.150128+00:00] cachetool.INFO: Adding Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\OpcacheProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.150225+00:00] cachetool.INFO: Setting adapter: CacheTool\Adapter\FastCGI [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.157447+00:00] cachetool.NOTICE: Executing: extension_loaded("Zend OPcache") [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.157572+00:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\ApcuProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.157637+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_add [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.157686+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_cache_info [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.157732+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_regexp_get_keys [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.157765+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_cas [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159159+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_clear_cache [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159204+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_dec [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159239+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_delete [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159270+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_regexp_delete [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159301+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_exists [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159334+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_fetch [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159363+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_inc [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159393+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_sma_info [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159423+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_store [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159451+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: apcu_version [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159482+00:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\PhpProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159542+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: extension_loaded [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159579+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: ini_get [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159611+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: ini_set [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159644+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: phpversion [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159674+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_realpath_get [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159705+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_realpath_size [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159740+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: stat_cache_clear [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159799+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: _eval [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159835+00:00] cachetool.INFO: Loading Proxy: CacheTool\Proxy\OpcacheProxy [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159887+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_compile_file [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159923+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_compile_files [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159955+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_get_configuration [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.159985+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_get_status [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.160017+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_invalidate [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.160048+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_invalidate_many [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.160080+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_reset [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.160111+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Loading Function: opcache_version [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.160605+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Executing code: return extension_loaded('Zend OPcache'); [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.160863+00:00] cachetool.INFO: FastCGI: Dumped code to file: /dev/shm/cachetool-629dd270273ed5.01650493.php [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.161008+00:00] cachetool.INFO: FastCGI: Requesting FPM using socket: /var/run/php-fpm/mig-attri-0b5049.socket [] []
[2022-06-06T10:09:52.166693+00:00] cachetool.DEBUG: FastCGI: Response: {} [] []

In FastCGI.php line 114:
  Error: No input file specified.  

Exception trace:
  at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/src/Adapter/FastCGI.php:114
 CacheTool\Adapter\FastCGI->doRun() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/src/Adapter/AbstractAdapter.php:43
 CacheTool\Adapter\AbstractAdapter->run() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/src/Proxy/PhpProxy.php:64
 CacheTool\Proxy\PhpProxy->extension_loaded() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/src/CacheTool.php:165
 CacheTool\CacheTool->__call() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/src/Command/AbstractCommand.php:38
 CacheTool\Command\AbstractCommand->ensureExtensionLoaded() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/src/Command/OpcacheStatusCommand.php:38
 CacheTool\Command\OpcacheStatusCommand->execute() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:299
 Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:978
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/src/Console/Application.php:148
 CacheTool\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:295
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/src/Console/Application.php:131
 CacheTool\Console\Application->doRun() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:167
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at phar:///var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar/bin/cachetool:26
 require() at /var/www/monsite.com/.local/bin/cachetool8.phar:14


I can confirm the above error.

Without an .cachetool.yml available, the tmp_dir ist null:

Box Requirements Checker

Using PHP 7.4.2
PHP is using the following php.ini file:

Checking Box requirements:
The application requires the version "^7.3|^8.0" or greater.
The package "hollodotme/fast-cgi-client" requires the extension "json".

[OK] Your system is ready to run the application.

[2022-06-14T15:12:16.738041+02:00] cachetool.INFO: CacheTool 6.3.0 [] []
[2022-06-14T15:12:16.739079+02:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Config: {"adapter":"fastcgi","extensions":["apcu","opcache"],"fastcgi":null,"temp_dir":null} [] []

With a config file available it results in "temp_dir":"/tmp"

Box Requirements Checker

Using PHP 7.4.2
PHP is using the following php.ini file:

Checking Box requirements:
The application requires the version "^7.3|^8.0" or greater.
The package "hollodotme/fast-cgi-client" requires the extension "json".

[OK] Your system is ready to run the application.

[2022-06-14T15:13:22.865512+02:00] cachetool.INFO: CacheTool 6.3.0 [] []
[2022-06-14T15:13:22.866683+02:00] cachetool.DEBUG: Config: {"adapter":"fastcgi","extensions":["apcu","opcache"],"fastcgi":"/var/run/local-test.sock","temp_dir":"/tmp"} [] []


In FastCGI.php line 114:

Error: File not found.

Fixed the inconsistency with setting temp dir in v8.5.0. Upgrade to the latest version to fix this issue.