
Bug in feature aggregation

lkct opened this issue · 1 comments

lkct commented

Hi, @gordicaleksa . Thank you for your implementation of GAT.

I'm new to GNNs so I'm not sure whether I understood your code correctly, but I think there is a bug in the feature aggregation in your GATLayer. The direction of aggregation appears as target->source.

In your implementation 1, attention scores are calculated as follows:

# shape = (NH, N, 1) + (NH, 1, N) -> (NH, N, N) with the magic of automatic broadcast <3
# In Implementation 3 we are much smarter and don't have to calculate all NxN scores! (only E!)
# Tip: it's conceptually easier to understand what happens here if you delete the NH dimension
all_scores = self.leakyReLU(scores_source + scores_target.transpose(1, 2))
# connectivity mask will put -inf on all locations where there are no edges, after applying the softmax
# this will result in attention scores being computed only for existing edges
all_attention_coefficients = self.softmax(all_scores + connectivity_mask)

The three dimensions of all_attention_coefficients mean (head, src, tgt), and you apply softmax on dim=-1 i.e. dim=2, making the scores sum up to 1 for each attention head and each source node.

And then in aggregation:

# shape = (NH, N, N) * (NH, N, FOUT) -> (NH, N, FOUT)
out_nodes_features = torch.bmm(all_attention_coefficients, nodes_features_proj)

Let's ignore the head dimension, then this calculates:
out_nodes_features[i,:] = sum_over_j(all_attention_coefficients[i,j], nodes_features_proj[j,:])
The definition of all_attention_coefficients is (head, src, tgt), and nodes_features_proj (node, feat), where "node" corresponds to "tgt" dim, so out_nodes_features's 2 dims should mean (src, feat).

All of the code above has done the following: calculate attention score for each node as source of edge, and aggregate features of all its neighboring target nodes.
However based on my understanding, the feature aggregation in GAT should be in the opposite direction: collecting source nodes into each target.

The implementation 2 also comes with the same problem. I'm still working to understand impl 3 so I don't know if the big persists.

feature aggregation in GAT should be in the opposite direction: collecting source nodes into each target

I think this is not the case in GNNs.
Equation from grl book
If we think from the point of the adjacency matrix equation, the source node aggregation depending on the row vector of this A is effectively aggregating target nodes for each source node.