
Incorrect ineffectual assignment in switch

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I found a false ineffectual assignment in a case similar to this:

package main

import (

func main() {
        var a int
        switch n := -1; {
        case n == -1:
                n += 1
        case n == 0:
                a = 10

It says that n += 1 is ineffectual when it is very much effectual. Without it a is 0, with it it's 10.
Same example on go playground here.

(Also, thanks for good linting in general, very useful for catching bugs. :) )

I tried your playground example and got 10 both with and without n += 1. Which is to be expected; fallthrough always passes control to the next case block regardless of the next case condition.

Ah! Didn't know that, but it makes sense. I guess there was a bug in my code after-all then ^^
Apologies, and thanks! :)

I'll close this issue