
Breaks completely when dealing with html tags

dimitrinr opened this issue · 0 comments

I am comparing this string

<h3>Classsss Attendsance Guideliness for Extenuating Circusmstances</h3>

<p>In rare cases, students may have extenuating circumstances that make it impossible for them to attend all sessions of a class. These include military orders, court-imposed legal</p>

to this

<h3>Class Attendsance Guideliness for Extenuating Circusmstances</h3>

<p>In rare cases, students may have extenuating circumstances that make it impossible for them to attend all sessions of a class. These include military orders, court-imposed legal</p>

and get this

<div id="htmldiff" class="pane"><del><h3>Classss <ins><h3>Class Attendsance Guideliness for Extenuating Circusmstances</h3>

<p>In rare cases, students may have extenuating circumstances that make it impossible for them to attend all sessions of a class. These include military orders, court-imposed legal</p>