
Umatrix Broken, Had to remove / reinstall; Thankfully I had backed up my rules a few days before

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This is what umatrix looked like; accessing options by right clicking the icon lead to mostly blank pages; just a umatrix symbol, and 4-5 little file icons in the top left denoting each profile window for umatrix. did a system restore recently; wondering if that had anything to do with it; zema showing nothing; previously, enabling and disabling umatrix fixed this issue which popped up once before; this time, no luck had to remove it & reinstall. Other extensions appeared to be broken as well, like user agent switcher https://add0n.com/useragent-switcher.html which could not access the list of agents; i blv from url.

Here is a picture of what umatrix looked like: using the latest srware iron.

probably a broken build of SRWare Iron.

I don't even understand why someone would use SRWare Iron over Chromium itself.