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Please add support for Perforce

I'll implement as soon as I have time for this.

Spent few hours installing and learning this thing.
Stuck on p4 diff command. It throws me File(s) not opened on this client.. Don't know what to do.

Perforce looks much more complicated than any other VCS.

Maybe I'll try again sometime.

It's true that there is more complications with perforce. I have yet to see any benefit in using it over other VCS. Unfortunaly my employer uses it so I must as well. I'm sure this is the case for many other developers. It's much harder to get a large company to change once it get deeply entrenched.

You're absolutely right about why people use Perforce.
I would recommend you to take a look at git-p4 bridge http://git-scm.com/docs/git-p4
I didn't use it myself, but I've heard a lot of positive comments about similar thing called git-svn.

Yep I've heard that as well. Maybe one day when I have time to try it. Never time between projects to explore/integrate tools.