
Broken ST3 since update

schlamar opened this issue · 11 comments

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\schlaich\Sublime Text 3\sublime_plugin.py", line 440, in is_enabled_
        ret = self.is_enabled()
      File "Modific in C:\Users\schlaich\Sublime Text 3\Data\Installed Packages\Modific.sublime-package", line 243, in is_enabled
      File "Modific in C:\Users\schlaich\Sublime Text 3\Data\Installed Packages\Modific.sublime-package", line 53, in get_vcs
      File "Modific in C:\Users\schlaich\Sublime Text 3\Data\Installed Packages\Modific.sublime-package", line 33, in vcs_root
      File "Modific in C:\Users\schlaich\Sublime Text 3\Data\Installed Packages\Modific.sublime-package", line 32, in <listcomp>
    ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

Solution: restart Sublime Text.

What VCS do you use? How to reproduce this?

I am getting the exact same problem in Sublime Text 3 on Linux Mint 15 for all my git repos.

As for repro-steps - I just open a project that has a git repo, edit a file and save it, and I get that error in the console (obviously, I don't see the sidebar markers for changed lines).

Working on this...

Thanks - if you need any specific additional info, feel free to ask, I'll be around and try to answer ASAP.

For some reason I could only reproduce it once and there was a different stack trace than @schlamar reported.

@schlamar, the weird thing about your stack trace is that there is no vcs_root() function. I removed it.

Guys, can you try to restart Sublime and then let me know whether or not the issue occurs?
Please include a stack trace.

@gornostal I restarted Sublime and couldn't find any info that Modific was updated - not sure if I'm supposed to see that in the console. However, it works now, I can see the gutter marks, and no error in my console. Thanks for the lightning fast fix!

I also just restarted sublime, no updates were installed, and modific started working again

@levacic Modific doesn't show any messages when it gets updated.

I guess we just saw Sublime's bug. When it pulls new updates for Modific, somehow new and old versions of the plugin are still in the memory and weird bugs may occur. This is my theory.

I'll leave the issue open for a little while. Just to let other people quickly find the solution.