
Lumen + MongoDB

elcobvg opened this issue · 3 comments

Borrows heavily from the existing Laravel implementation, since I only started this because I wanted to give MongoDB a try and I thought this would be a good use case for a document-oriented db. (You know, blog post with embedded comments, tags, user profiles.) Turns out the API specs don't ask for getting article data all-at-once, but I still hope it may be useful to some.

@elcobvg so is this project complete and ready to be reviewed or still a WIP?

Yeah, it's ready to be reviewed. I intended to have a complete test suite, but haven't found the time yet.
Regarding #165 the repository pattern, I did consider using repositories but decided against it as it seemed a bit too much hassle: based on the API specs, they would all be incomplete implementations anyway.

EDIT: I tested the Postman collection but there seems to be a difference in interpretation as to what an ISO 8601 timestamp should look like.

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