
๐Ÿ—„๐Ÿ”ง Go + Gin

EricSimons opened this issue ยท 21 comments

Current Status

Codebase in progress @

Interested in helping out? Say hello! ๐ŸŽ‰


  • ๐Ÿ Fork the starter repo & post the link in this issue
  • ๐ŸŽจ Create logo for repo & update issue status (@EricSimons)
  • ๐Ÿ”จ Implement all of Conduit's functionality per the spec & API
  • ๐Ÿ‘€ Peer review of final codebase by RealWorld admins & community (RFC)
  • ๐ŸŽ‰ Tag v1 release, move repo to main org, and officially list it on the README!

Not sure what the most popular web frameworks are for Go, but would be good to have support for at least one or two of them :)

echo, gin, and guerrilla. although many Go implementations use the standard libraries as well.

@chrislewispac thanks for the info โ€” which of those options would you recommend newcomers learn first? That would probably be a good place for us to start.

gin is the most newcomer friendly I would say.

Awesome. Any chance you'd be able to add support for it? :)

Yeah, I just have to finish up courses but I'll get started on it. I can also work on an elm version at some point. I had been meaning to do something similar anyways.

Sweet! Lmk if there's anything I can do to help & feel free to fork the starter kit and post the link here so that others can watch/help :)

Just set up the Gitter chatroom for this! Lets do collaborator coordination in there ๐Ÿ‘

cc/ @chrislewispac

Hey, do you guys need an implementation with just the standard Go net/http library?

Not yet! Want to start one @JackyChiu? I can create a new issue for it if so ๐Ÿ‘

I'd also prefer learning more about the implementation with the net/http package. I'm not sure I can contribute, but I'll definitely watch.

New issue created specifically for net/http version. @JackyChiu feel free to fork @chrislewispac's repo and the post the link to the new issue, and then I'll update the issue's status.

@EricSimons Yeah I'd love to help out!

@chrislewispac Hey! Any updates on this? Anything we can do to help?

@BRWR Feel free to clone the repo and get started. I have finals this week so won't be doing much until next week. Do what you can, I'll integrate it. If you aren't comfortable writing tests etc, thats ok. Just do the part you feel comfortable with and I'll pick up form there! That goes for anyone who wants to contirbute actually.

Hi, Guys,
I just fork an another start-kit with Golang & Gin which has been implement most of those spec.
Could you please give me some reviews or tips? :)
Here is my repo:

@wangzitian0 sorry about my delay here โ€” this looks amazing!! How much is left to completely adhere to the API spec? Would love to list this on the main readme once that's ready!

@EricSimons Thank you for your reaching out! :)
I have finished all of the API spec and it can pass all of the cases in Postman Collection. Some tests still have some issue, but I think it's acceptable in the first version as the spec just require one test.

@wangzitian0 sorry about my delay here, things have been kinda crazy lately! I just marked this as RFC and will put it into the main org tmrw morning :)

@EricSimons Thank you! I'm very happy to see it, anything else need I to do? :)

@wangzitian0 np! I just added it to the readme :) Thanks so much for your awesome work on this!!!