
Ansible Role for nginx

Primary LanguageNginxMIT LicenseMIT


nginx is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP proxy server



  • nginx_user (string) - User to run nginx as
  • nginx_worker_processes (integer) - number of worker processes
  • nginx_worker_connections (integer) - maximum connections per worker
  • nginx_runtime_root (string) - Directory for runtime data
  • nginx_pidfile_path (string) - Path for pidfile
  • nginx_socket_path (string) - Path for socket
  • nginx_log_root (string) - Directory for logs
  • nginx_access_log_enabled (boolean) - Enable access logs?
  • nginx_access_log_path (string) - Path for access log
  • nginx_access_log_ignore_static_assets (boolean) - Do not log requests for static assets
  • nginx_access_log_format (string) - Log format to use
  • nginx_error_log_enabled (boolean) - Enable error logs?
  • nginx_error_log_path (string) - Path for error log
  • nginx_error_log_critical_only (boolean) - Only log critical errors?
  • nginx_hide_version (boolean) - Hide version of nginx?
  • nginx_naxsi_enabled (boolean) - Enable naxsi WAF
  • nginx_attack_mitigation_enabled (boolean) - Aggressively favour resiliency over compatibility?
  • nginx_gzip_enabled (boolean) - Compress responses?
  • nginx_performance_tuning_enabled (boolean) - Aggressively favour performance over compatibility?
  • nginx_file_descriptor_caching_enabled (boolean) - Enable file descriptor caching?
  • nginx_docroot (string) - Directory for docroot
  • nginx_creates_docroot (boolean) - Enable to get nginx to create the docroot path
  • nginx_standard_configuration (boolean) - Using included configuration?
  • nginx_passenger_enabled (boolean) - Enable passenger for Ruby apps?
  • nginx_php_enabled (boolean) - Pass requests for PHP files to php-fpm?
  • php_fpm_socket_path (string) - Path to socket for php-fpm
  • nginx_ssl_disabled (boolean) - Redirect HTTPS to HTTP
  • nginx_ssl_enforced (boolean) - Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  • nginx_ssl_enabled (boolean) - Enable HTTPS support
  • nginx_ssl_certificate_path (string) - Path to SSL public key (certificate file)
  • nginx_ssl_key_path (string) - Path to SSL private key (key file)
  • nginx_ssl_should_degrade_security_to_accomodate_old_browsers (boolean) - Compromise security to support older browsers?
  • nginx_cors_enabled (boolean) - Enable CORS support?
  • nginx_cors_whitelist_enabled (boolean) - Use whitelisting for CORS handling?
  • nginx_cors_whitelist_protocol (string) - Protocol to require for CORS?
  • nginx_cors_whitelist_hosts (string) - Regular expression to match hosts against for CORS whitelist.
  • nginx_redirect_missing_files_to_root (boolean) - Redirect HTTP 404s to / (this is usually a bad idea)
  • nginx_client_max_body_size (string) - Maximum size of the body of a request.
  • nginx_file_extension_blacklist (string) - Refuse to serve files matching this regular expression.
  • nginx_auth_enabled (boolean) - Enable HTTP Basic Auth?
  • nginx_auth_location (string) - Path to auth file?
  • nginx_auth_username (string) - Username for auth?
  • nginx_auth_salt (string) - Salt for auth password?
  • nginx_fastcgi_buffers (string) - Buffer size for FastCGI requests
  • nginx_context_proxy_enabled (boolean) - Proxy requests for specific context paths?
  • nginx_context_proxy_host (string) - Upstream location for proxied requests
  • nginx_context_proxy_domain_equivalence (string) - Rewrite cookies for one domain to another, with proxied requests.
  • nginx_context_proxy_paths (list) - Paths that should be proxied
  • nginx_domain_redirect (boolean) - This... probably does something. What is a mystery.
  • nginx_redirects (list) - List of things to redirect to other things.
  • nginx_redirects_for_browser_profile_and_locale_enabled (boolean) - Very... specific redirect rules. You probably don't have any use for this.
  • nginx_php_virtual_context_path (string) - If an application is served
  • nginx_php_path_blacklist_enabled (boolean) - Blacklist paths from being sent to php-fpm.
  • nginx_php_path_blacklist_regexp (string) - Do not hand off requests matching this regular expression to php-fpm
  • nginx_php_path_blacklist_try_files (string) - try_files directive for blacklisted files.
  • nginx_php_append_querystring (string) - Append this to PHP querystrings.
  • nginx_php_html_index (string) - Allow HTML index files if PHP is enabled?
  • nginx_developer_environments_enabled (boolean) - Map subdomains to project directories for users.
  • nginx_developer_environment_regexp (string) - Regular expression to match developer environments
  • nginx_developer_environment_docroot (string) - Docroot for developer environments
  • nginx_php_fastcgi_param_extras (list) - Extra parameters to send to php-fpm
  • nginx_php_index_only (boolean) - Only accept requests for index.php
  • nginx_static_asset_handling_enabled (boolean) - Enable optimizations for static asset handling?
  • nginx_internal_paths_enabled (boolean) - Treat some paths as internal?
  • nginx_internal_paths (boolean) - List of paths to treat as internal
  • nginx_whitelist_ips (list) - List of IPs to allow access to whitelisted paths.
  • nginx_whitelist_paths (list) - List of whitelisted paths.
  • nginx_index (string) - Index filename(s)
  • nginx_localhost_authorization_required (boolean) - Require authorization if requests are from localhost?
  • nginx_flag_social_crawlers (boolean) - Flag social crawlers?
  • nginx_prerender_enabled (boolean) - Enable prerender.io support


Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - role: telusdigital.nginx


