
Idiots guide?

1004795 opened this issue · 10 comments

I am a newbie to python, but found this twitch channel points miner and was intrigued.
Any chance someone could write an idiots guide on how to install and run the program?
Where do dependencies need to be installed to? Etc?

deion commented

hey, if you still need some help with this I'd be more than happy to help!

hey, if you still need some help with this I'd be more than happy to help!

Hi, I am new i termux too and I would be delighted if you would make a beginner's guide to this script thank you very much.

hey, if you still need some help with this I'd be more than happy to help!

Hi, I literally need an idiots guide on how to install on Windows 10. I have the latest Python installed, but have no clue how to install dependences, etc.


hey, if you still need some help with this I'd be more than happy to help!

Hi, I literally need an idiots guide on how to install on Windows 10. I have the latest Python installed, but have no clue how to install dependences, etc.

Hello, I can try to explain it to you if you haven't figured it out already.
(Trying to cover every part that you could need help with so I'm explaining almost everything.)

So I'm going to be explaining everything starting with downloading the code.

So you head to the home page of this code.

Then follow this gif:

The next parts about getting the URI are in the gif, but for clarification, I will explain them in a little more detail than a video can.

At this point, you are going to want to find where you extracted the downloaded code to (probably your downloads folder). After that you are going to copy the URI to folder by clicking on what looks like this:


When you click on it, it should look like this:

(Of course it's going to be a different path for you as you are not on my computer)

Copy the URI so that you are able to get to the path again (Ctrl+C).
Then you are going to want to press Win+R. (Win referring to the windows key on your keyboard)
After that pops up, you are going to type in "cmd" and press enter.

This should come up:
(Again, of course your command line prompt is going to be different from mine as your computer name isn't "james" and you are starting cmd.exe from the normal path.)

You are going to type "cd" and then paste (by right clicking anywhere in the command prompt) the URI of the code and press enter.

The place where it used to say C:\Users\<user>\ should now say what you pasted.

Now what you are going to do is type pip install -r requirements.txt and press enter, which installs the dependencies.

Now you should be ready to run the code.

To do this, all you have to do is type and press enter!

What should come up is something asking for your twitch username and password, and then if you have 2fa, it will then ask you for the code. This is normal as for the code to collect the channel points on your account, it has to "sign in." Never is your username or password sent anywhere else other than to Twitch. After you are successfully signed in, you will be prompted to type the streamers names. Type the steamers that you want to receive channel points from, each name being separated by a comma.
For example: streamer1,streamer2,streamer3, ...

Keep in mind that this program is only able to collect channel points from TWO live channels at a time as Twitch sets a limit on how many streams you are able to watch and receive channel points from, the limit being two.

Hopefully I was able to help you with what you needed help with. If I didn't please just respond to this with what else you need help with or if any issues arose while you were following my steps.

1 Addition to that, if command prompt opens on your c drive and the files are on another drive letter, you can't directly cd to that. if for example the files are on your F drive you need to f:/ first to go to that drive and then cd to the folder on that drive.

@ 1004795

Oye, si aún necesitas ayuda con esto, ¡estaré más que feliz de ayudarte!

Hola, literalmente necesito una guía idiota sobre cómo instalar en Windows 10. Tengo instalado el último Python, pero no tengo ni idea de cómo instalar dependencias, etc.

Hola, puedo intentar explicártelo si aún no lo has descubierto.
(Tratando de cubrir todas las partes en las que podría necesitar ayuda, así que estoy explicando casi todo).

Entonces voy a explicar todo comenzando con la descarga del código.

Dirígete a la página de inicio de este código.

Entonces sigue este gif:

Las siguientes partes sobre cómo obtener el URI están en el gif, pero para aclararlas, las explicaré con un poco más de detalle que un video.

En este punto, querrá encontrar dónde extrajo el código descargado (probablemente su carpeta de descargas). Después de eso, copiará el URI a la carpeta haciendo clic en lo que se ve así:


Al hacer clic en él, debería verse así:

(Por supuesto que va a ser un camino diferente para ti ya que no estás en mi computadora)

Copie el URI para que pueda volver a la ruta (Ctrl + C).
Entonces querrás presionar Win + R. (Win refiriéndose a la tecla de Windows en su teclado)
Después de que aparezca, deberá escribir "cmd" y presionar enter.

Esto debería aparecer: (Una vez más, por supuesto, su línea de comandos será diferente a la mía, ya que el nombre de su computadora no es "james" y está iniciando cmd.exe desde la ruta normal).

Vas a escribir "cd" y luego pegar (haciendo clic derecho en cualquier lugar del símbolo del sistema) el URI del código y presionar Enter.

El lugar donde solía decir C:\Users\<user>\ahora debería decir lo que pegaste.

Ahora lo que vas a hacer es escribir pip install -r requirements.txty presionar enter, lo que instala las dependencias.

Ahora debería estar listo para ejecutar el código.

Para hacer esto, todo lo que tienes que hacer es escribir main.pyy presionar enter.

Lo que debería aparecer es algo que le pregunte por su nombre de usuario y contraseña de Twitch, y luego, si tiene 2fa, le pedirá el código. Esto es normal, ya que para que el código acumule los puntos de canal en su cuenta , tiene que "iniciar sesión". Nunca se envía su nombre de usuario o contraseña a ningún otro lugar que no sea Twitch. Una vez que haya iniciado sesión correctamente, se le pedirá que escriba los nombres de los streamers. Escriba los vaporizadores de los que desea recibir puntos de canal, cada nombre está separado por una coma.
Por ejemplo:streamer1,streamer2,streamer3, ...

Tenga en cuenta que este programa solo puede recopilar puntos de canal de DOS canales en vivo a la vez, ya que Twitch establece un límite en la cantidad de transmisiones que puede ver y recibir puntos de canal, el límite es de dos.

Con suerte, pude ayudarlo con lo que necesitaba. Si no lo hice, por favor, responda esto con qué más necesita ayuda o si surgió algún problema mientras seguía mis pasos.

Thanks too much it works fine, thank to you i can install it👍


I assume that you fixed your issue as you have deleted your reply?

If I may, I had an issue with the command line: 'pip install -r requirements.txt' which was not working even with the last python version. I used 'py -m pip install -r requirements.txt' which worked well! Hope it helps someone :)

If I may, I had an issue with the command line: 'pip install -r requirements.txt' which was not working even with the last python version. I used 'py -m pip install -r requirements.txt' which worked well! Hope it helps someone :)

You're a god, thank you!

Hey, the script is running, I am farming channel points but it aint farming points on StreamElements. Any fixes for that?