Headers appearing as part of the email body, No subject
fayeeg opened this issue · 0 comments
This is what I am sending to the queue ( email-out)
rabbitmq-email successfully delivers the email to the intended recipient.
- I am not getting the correct Subject.
- entire header part is shown in the body of the email.
Please help to resolve the above issues.
This is my config:
{rabbitmq_email, [
%% gen_smtp server parameters
%% see https://github.com/Vagabond/gen_smtp#server-example
{server_config, [
[{port, 2525}, {protocol, tcp}, {domain, "xxxxxxx.com"}, {address,{127,0,0,1}}]
%% how clients are authenticated; either 'false' or 'rabbitmq' (default)
{server_auth, rabbitmq},
%% whether STARTTLS shall be offered; either 'true' or 'false' (default)
{server_starttls, true},
{email_headers, [<<"subject">>]},
{email_filter, [
{<<"text">>, <<"plain">>},
{<<"text">>, undefined},
{undefined, undefined}
[{<<"xxxxxxxx.com">>, {<<"/">>, <<"email-in">>}}
%% outbound email queues: [{{vhost, queue}, email-domain}, ...]
[{{<<"/">>, <<"email-out">>}, <<"xxxxxx.com">>}
%% sender indicated in the From header
{email_from, <<"noreply@xxxxxxx.com">>},
%% sender indicated in the SMTP from
{client_sender, "xxxxxxxx"},
%% gen_smtp client parameters
%% see https://github.com/Vagabond/gen_smtp#client-example
{client_config, [
{relay, "xxxxxxx"},{username, "xxxxxxx"}, {password, "xxxxxxxx"},{port, 2525}