
Can't enable plugin under Erlang 22

zabralex85 opened this issue · 36 comments

Wan't only to recieve messages from google mail. - my domain, google suite have bindinx with MX to it via goddady

try: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_email

Enabling plugins on node rabbit@main: rabbitmq_email The following plugins have been configured: rabbitmq_email rabbitmq_management rabbitmq_management_agent rabbitmq_web_dispatch Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@main... (rabbitmqctl) lib/rabbitmqctl.ex:45: RabbitMQCtl.main/1 (elixir) lib/kernel/cli.ex:105: anonymous fn/3 in Kernel.CLI.exec_fun/2


2019-05-28 19:08:58.313 [info] <0.8.0> Server startup complete; 3 plugins started.

  • rabbitmq_management
  • rabbitmq_web_dispatch
  • rabbitmq_management_agent
    2019-05-28 19:09:25.547 [warning] <0.633.0> iconv not detected: content transcoding is DISABLED
    2019-05-28 19:09:25.549 [info] <0.634.0> gen_smtp_server starting at rabbit@main
    2019-05-28 19:09:25.549 [error] <0.634.0> CRASH REPORT Process <0.634.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: call to undefined function socket:listen(tcp, 2525, [binary,{ip,{0,0,0,0}},inet])

2019-05-28 19:09:25.550 [error] <0.633.0> Supervisor {<0.633.0>,rabbitmq_email_app} had child email_handler started with gen_smtp_server:start_link(rabbit_email_handler, [[{port,2525},{protocol,tcp},{domain,""},{address,{0,0,0,0}}]]) at undefined exit with reason call to undefined function socket:listen(tcp, 2525, [binary,{ip,{0,0,0,0}},inet]) in context start_error

2019-05-28 19:09:25.552 [error] <0.631.0> CRASH REPORT Process <0.631.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,email_handler,{undef,[{socket,listen,[tcp,2525,[binary,{ip,{0,0,0,0}},inet]],[]},{gen_smtp_server,extract_listener,2,[{file,"src/gen_smtp_server.erl"},{line,149}]},{gen_smtp_server,'-init/1-lc$^0/1-0-',2,[{file,"src/gen_smtp_server.erl"},{line,129}]},{gen_smtp_server,init,1,[{file,"src/gen_smtp_server.erl"},{line,129}]},{gen_server,init_it,2,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,374}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,342}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,...}]}}},...} in application_master:init/4 line 138

2019-05-28 19:09:25.562 [info] <0.43.0> Application rabbitmq_email exited with reason: {{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,email_handler,{undef,[{socket,listen,[tcp,2525,[binary,{ip,{0,0,0,0}},inet]],[]},{gen_smtp_server,extract_listener,2,[{file,"src/gen_smtp_server.erl"},{line,149}]},{gen_smtp_server,'-init/1-lc$^0/1-0-',2,[{file,"src/gen_smtp_server.erl"},{line,129}]},{gen_smtp_server,init,1,[{file,"src/gen_smtp_server.erl"},{line,129}]},{gen_server,init_it,2,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,374}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,342}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,...}]}}},...}

2019-05-28 19:09:25.565 [info] <0.43.0> Application gen_smtp exited with reason: stopped

{rabbitmq_email, [
{server_config, [
[{port, 2525}, {protocol, tcp}, {domain, ""}, {address,{0,0,0,0}}]
{server_auth, rabbitmq},
{server_starttls, true},
{email_domains,[{<<"">>, {<<"/">>, <<"email-in">>}}]},
{email_queues, [{{<<"/">>, <<"email-out">>}, <<"">>}]},

    {email_from, <<"noreply">>},
    {client_sender, ""},
    {client_config, [
            {relay, ""},
            {username, ""},
            {password, "SomePassword"},
            {auth, always},
            {ssl, true},
            {tls, if_available}


RabbitMQ 3.7.15 ; Erlang 22.0.1

If need - can redirect flow of mail to rabbit smtp. how i can start using, what's the question...

I believe this is due to incompatibility of an internal dependency (gen_smtp) with Erlang 22. (Reported and fixed Apr,4: gen-smtp/gen_smtp#168.)
Quick fix is to use the Erlang 21.x, longer fix is to compile rabbitmq-email with the latest gen_smtp.

will check tnx.

The build is using my fork, which was set to an old version. I just sync-ed the fork with the gen_smtp 0.14.0, which means that the "longer fix" (rebuild) shall work now.

it's very hard on vm not in docker do downgrade, which branch i need clone and compile? 3.7 ?

reinstall plugins with git clone and make command + make dist

2019-05-29 14:31:10.126 [info] <0.8.0> Server startup complete; 4 plugins started.

  • rabbitmq_email
  • rabbitmq_management
  • rabbitmq_management_agent
  • rabbitmq_web_dispatch

see queue for outgoing letters, where email-in ?

Am i right that queue "email-in" it's for domain users?

So if i send to rabbit smtp server message to it will be in this queue or alternative exchange and plugin does not go by schedule to gmail to collect letters and place to queue ?

Yes, under rabbitmq_email.email_domains you define an exchange, where the plugin will forward e-mails sent to a particular domain. It supports SMTP only, so you need an own domain with own MX record. Other protocols (IMAP, POP3) that could collect letters from mailboxes are not supported.

got domain add mx set.
added routing rule on google from =>

{rabbitmq_email, [
{server_config, [
[{port, 2525}, {protocol, tcp}, {domain, ""}, {address,{0,0,0,0}}]
{server_auth, rabbitmq},
{server_starttls, true},
{email_domains,[{<<"">>, {<<"/">>, <<"email-in">>}}]},
{email_queues, [{{<<"/">>, <<"email-out">>}, <<"">>}]},

    {email_from, <<"noreply">>},
    {client_sender, ""},
    {client_config, [
            {relay, ""},
            {username, ""},
            {password, "taxi-rabbit"},
            {auth, always},
            {ssl, true},
            {tls, if_available}


queue "email-in" is not shown, sended letter to mailbox.

019-05-30 16:19:27.524 [info] <0.410.0> started TCP listener on [::]:5672
2019-05-30 16:19:27.524 [info] <0.291.0> Running boot step direct_client defined by app rabbit
2019-05-30 16:19:27.556 [info] <0.460.0> Management plugin: HTTP (non-TLS) listener started on port 15672
2019-05-30 16:19:27.556 [info] <0.566.0> Statistics database started.
2019-05-30 16:19:27.556 [warning] <0.576.0> iconv not detected: content transcoding is DISABLED
2019-05-30 16:19:27.557 [info] <0.577.0> gen_smtp_server starting at rabbit@main
2019-05-30 16:19:27.557 [info] <0.577.0> gen_smtp_server listening on {0,0,0,0}:2525 via tcp
2019-05-30 16:19:27.619 [notice] <0.105.0> Changed loghwm of /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@main.log to 50
2019-05-30 16:19:27.870 [info] <0.8.0> Server startup complete; 4 plugins started.

Maybe i need mail server setup on this server ? postfix/dovecot etc ...

Maybe i need mail server setup on this server ? postfix/dovecot etc

No, you don't. What happens when you use the mail program or a test program to send email to port 2525? What happens when you telnet to port 2525? You can send basic SMTP commands using telnet, like HELO.

zabralex85@main:~$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 18, in
server.sendmail(FROM, [TO], BODY)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 737, in sendmail
raise SMTPSenderRefused(code, resp, from_addr)
smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused: (530, 'SMTP authentication is required', '')

changed auth to false and see in exchanges:
"Exchange: email-in"

Please note also that standard SMTP servers listen on port 25, so if you want to receive e-mails directly from public intenet you need to listen on the port 25, or setup iptables to redirect 25 to 2525.

hmm i thought that message will be in queue ...

Sender => Google Mail => Routing => My Server (MX, Static IP) => rabbitmq_email => queue

In common case i want to convert mailbox to queue.

cause my reader made on C# and connects to queue:

using (var channel = _persistentConnection.CreateModel()) { channel.QueueBind(queue: _queueName, exchange: BROKER_NAME, routingKey: eventName); }

created queue email-int-in
added binding in section "Add binding from this exchange" in dashboard ....

If i send frequently i see that graph of "Publish (in)" is growing but nothing in queue

in logs i see:

2019-05-31 05:03:50.848 [info] <0.4694.0> SMTP connection from {127,0,0,1}
2019-05-31 05:03:50.854 [info] <0.4694.0> EHLO from
2019-05-31 05:03:50.856 [info] <0.4694.0> text/plain message from to [<<"">>] queued as 344099c3d58952819c37b5d74f580776

script to send:

import smtplib

HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 2525
SUBJECT = "Test email from Python"
TO = ""
FROM = ""
text = "Python 3.4 rules them all!"

BODY = "\r\n".join((
"From: %s" % FROM,
"To: %s" % TO,
"Subject: %s" % SUBJECT ,

server = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT)
server.sendmail(FROM, [TO], BODY)

if i publish message to exchange in dasboard it goes to queue ...

I guess the queue to exchange binding does not match the routing key

You can use a fanout exchange, or a topic with * binding to make sure all e-mails go to a queue.

i have no vhosts - default setup ... it's matter?

I believe you will always have at least the default vhost /. I can see a topic exchange named email-in bound to an empty string. Such setup will not deliver any e-mails to the email-int-in, just as you experienced.
Then there is a default fanout exchange named amq.fanout, which will work when you configure it in your {email_domains,[{<<"">>, {<<"/">>, <<"amq.fanout">>}}]},.

understood - think you can close issue.

FTR, the default virtual host can be renamed to be anything other than / and can be deleted (many RabbitMQ-as-a-Service products do that, for example).

ergoz commented

i have same problem with RabbitMQ 3.7.16
I tried to build rabbitmq_email with eiconv=1 - but while build it says that no makefile for eiconv (i need it to support russian language). If i build without eiconv - it builds but when i try to enable plugin:

2019-07-09 19:18:49.287175 std_error           #{label=>{erl_prim_loader,file_error},report=>"File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/gen_smtp-0.14.0.ez/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server."}
#{label=>{erl_prim_loader,file_error},report=2019-07-09 19:18:49.294244 std_error           >"File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/gen_smtp-0.14.0.ez/gen_smtp/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server."}
2019-07-09 19:18:49.295700 std_error         #{label=  >{erl_prim_loader,file_error},report=>"File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/gen_smtp-0.14.0.ez/gen_smtp-0.14.0/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server."}
2019-07-09 19:18:49.316286 std_error           #{label=>{erl_prim_loader,file_error},report=>"File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/rabbitmq_email-0.3.0.ez/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server."}
2019-07-09 19:18:49.317848 std_error         #{label=>{er  l_prim_loader,file_error},report=>"File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/rabbitmq_email-0.3.0.ez/rabbitmq_email/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server."}
2019-07-09 19:18:49.321231 std_error           #{label=>{erl_prim_loader,file_error},report=>"File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/rabbitmq_email-0.3.0.ez/rabbitmq_email-0.3.0/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server."}
=ERROR REPORT==== 9-Jul-2019::19:18:49.287175 ===
File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/gen_smtp-0.14.0.ez/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server.
=ERROR REPORT==== 9-Jul-2019::19:18:49.294244 ===
File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/gen_smtp-0.14.0.ez/gen_smtp/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server.
=ERROR REPORT==== 9-Jul-2019::19:18:49.295700 ===
File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/gen_smtp-0.14.0.ez/gen_smtp-0.14.0/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server.
=ERROR REPORT==== 9-Jul-2019::19:18:49.316286 ===
File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/rabbitmq_email-0.3.0.ez/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server.
=ERROR REPORT==== 9-Jul-2019::19:18:49.317848 ===
File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/rabbitmq_email-0.3.0.ez/rabbitmq_email/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server.
=ERROR REPORT==== 9-Jul-2019::19:18:49.321231 ===
File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /opt/rabbitmq/plugins/rabbitmq_email-0.3.0.ez/rabbitmq_email-0.3.0/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server.

@gotthardp gotthardp will you release new version to fix this pain? :)
Заранее спасибо :)

@ergoz, please don't piggyback old issues. Releases with eiconv create target CPU dependency, so they cannot be released via the standard process and published. If you need eiconv, I suggest you open a new issue for the failing eiconv build.

ergoz commented

@gotthardp read my message fully, please. I have problem with plugin if i build without eiconv too! I posted log with it. My problem not in eiconv, my problem firstly in what in log.

@ergoz, please don't reuse old issues. You said you needed eiconv, so I saw no point in trying to build it witout it.

The bad_eocd error indicates the package was built incorrectly or was damaged after. There is not much I can do other than recommending to follow the build instructions.