A simple way to serialize JavaScript objects into ArrayBuffers for high compression on the wire.
(quick and dirty fork by goulu to trust the Schema instead of inserting id's in the data this enables to read/ write binary blobs written by third-party software...)
Introduction • Usage • Data Types • Caveats
Superbuffer makes it easy to serialize and deserialize data from ArrayBuffers matching the interfaces you define. Its Schema-Model API was inspired by typed-array-buffer-schema.
Superbuffer was designed to balance the readability and flexibility JSON while maximizing compression of your data on the wire. It is especially useful in situations where a high volume and frequency of network traffic between clients is necessary (such as multiplayer networked games).
npm i superbuffer
yarn add superbuffer
Superbuffer allows you to define the shape of the data you want to serialize:
import {Schema, Model, uint32, uint64, int16, string} from 'superbuffer';
const commentSchema = new Schema({
message: string,
timestamp: uint64,
votes: int16,
const postSchema = new Schema({
id: uint32,
title: string,
tags: [string],
author: {
id: uint32,
name: string,
comments: [commentSchema],
const post = new Model(postSchema);
If you use Typescript, Superbuffer automatically ensures your data has proper typings:
import {Model, float32} from 'superbuffer';
const position = Model.fromSchemaDefinition({
x: float32,
y: float32,
// Typescript knows that only objects with type
// {x: number, y: number} can be serialized by the `position` model
const buffer = position.toBuffer({x: 32.1, y: 12.3});
// Typescript knows `result` is of type {x: number, y: number}
const result = position.fromBuffer(buffer);
Superbuffer can serialize any non-circular JSON structure:
import {Schema, Model, views, ExtractSchemaObject} from 'superbuffer';
const {int16, int32, uint8, uint32, uint64, float32, boolean, string} = views;
const playerSchema = new Schema({
id: uint8,
x: float32,
y: float32,
health: uint8,
alive: boolean,
const inputSchema = new Schema({action: int16, movement: int16});
const listSchema = new Schema({value: int32});
const snapshotModel = Model.fromSchemaDefinition({
time: uint64,
sequenceNumber: uint32,
input: inputSchema,
messages: [string],
data: {
list: [listSchema],
players: [playerSchema],
type Snapshot = ExtractSchemaObject<typeof snapshotModel>;
const snapshot: Snapshot = {
time: BigInt(Date.now()),
sequenceNumber: 438923,
input: {
action: -12,
movement: -4,
messages: ['hello', 'hi', 'how are you', 'im good, how are you', 'fine thank you'],
data: {
list: [{value: 1}, {value: 2}, {value: 3}, {value: 4}, {value: 5}],
players: [
{id: 14, x: 145.32, y: 98.1123, health: 99, alive: true},
{id: 15, x: 218.46, y: -14.0934, health: 100, alive: true},
{id: 0, x: 3289.554, y: -1432.0, health: 0, alive: false},
/** Client */
// JSON.stringify(snapshot) = 430 bytes
// model.toBuffer(snapshot) = 139 bytes
// 68% compression!
const buffer = snapshotModel.toBuffer(snapshot); // Object to ArrayBuffer
/** Server */
network.on('message', (buffer) => {
const id = Model.getIdFromBuffer(buffer);
if (id === snapshotModel.schema.id) {
const result = snapshotModel.fromBuffer(buffer); // ArrayBuffer to object
Superbuffer's views are mapped to their respective TypedArray countparts:
Superbuffer View | TypedArray Equivalent | Value Range | Byte Size |
uint8 | Uint8Array | 0 to 255 | 1 |
uint16 | Uint16Array | 0 to 65535 | 2 |
uint32 | Uint32Array | 0 to 4294967295 | 4 |
uint64 | Uint64Array | 0 to 2^64-1 | 8 |
int8 | Int8Array | -128 to 127 | 1 |
int16 | Int16Array | -32768 to 32767 | 2 |
int32 | Int32Array | -2147483648 to 2147483647 | 4 |
int64 | Int64Array | -2^63 to 2^63-1 | 8 |
float32 | Float32Array | 1.2×10^-38 to 3.4×10^38 | 4 |
float64 | Float64Array | 5.0×10^-324 to 1.8×10^308 | 8 |
string | Uint8Array | UTF-8 encoding | variable |
boolean | Uint8Array | 0 or 1 | 1 |
- Max array length of 65535 (uint16)
- Max number of schema ids is 255 (uint8)
- No
character in strings - No
properties: all properties of the schema definition must be present on an object to be serialized (empty arrays are allowed)