Document how to use Entity Reference Hierarchy module

joshua-graham-adelphi opened this issue · 3 comments

Now that the Entity reference Hierarchy module is in GovCMS (@see #236), it should be documented with examples, use cases, how SaaS sites can take full advantage, how it might replace the "permissions_by_term" module in GovCMS 8 - which prevents access to certain pages depending of which taxonomy terms are tagged to the page, etc..

Some attempts at understanding the module:

  • I tried it but to get the "menu" system of Entity Reference Hierarchy working, but had to use the 'entity_hierarchy_microsite" submodule. This this by design ? Surely I don't have to have the first the level of my "menu" system to be the homepage link? (@see
  • Additionally, you can only move one page an at time (by changing the entity_hierarchy field) , not the whole sub structure? (@see - seems bad UX)
  • I couldn't find away to "sync/reset" the generated menu if edited (e.g. a non EH node is inserted between EH nodes)
  • How do you respectively apply the module features to existing sites ?

Bumping this one as we are finding the same issue, particularly around the microsite pages being tied to main site hierarchy, and 'breaking' ability to use sidebar nav in microsites...?

Hi, normally the 'menus' with entity hierarchy are built with views.
The microsite menus are really only useful if you're using it for microsites

how it might replace the "permissions_by_term" module in GovCMS 8 - which prevents access to certain pages depending of which taxonomy terms are tagged to the page, etc..

Entity hierarchy does not do anything relating to access.

There is a sub-module that integrates with Workbench Access (see #224) but Workbench Access only controls access to edit and delete content, not to view.

So it cannot replace the functionality of Permissions By Term