
Widget section under post author bio

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It would be +++ if we could add a widget section right below the author section at the bottom of the post page.

Or directly below post content if there is no author box. I don't like to add features or complexity without thinking through it all the way.

What type of widgets do you envision people using here?
Is there a reason sidebar widgets won't work equally well?
If four widgets are added, would each take up the 100% of the content well?
Would we need a separate widget for pages, or just posts?
Would these widgets show up in the archive too, or just the full single post?

My thought on this was to be able to add more info, like "follow the city on Twitter."

  • text/subscribe
  • no :-(
  • yes
  • just posts
  • full single post

Maybe it's not a good idea. :-)