

Primary LanguageRoffMIT LicenseMIT


Backend for CollegeBuddy

Python Commands
-> Navigate to backend directory

  1. Make sure that you have Python 3, python-3-devel, gcc, virtualenv, and pip installed.

  2. Create a python 3 virtualenv, and activate the environment.

        $ virtualenv -p python3 .
        $ source bin/activate
  3. Install the project dependencies from requirements.txt

        $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Then: python manage.py makemigrations

python manage.py migrate

python manage.py createsuperuser

python manage.py runserver

Navigate to localhost:8000

Frontend for CollegeBuddy

NPM Commands

npm install - install all node modules (dependencies) to run the app

npm run dev - runs the app in development mode in port 3000

npm run build - builds the app for production

Tech Stack

Next / React / JSX / SASS

Linting & Quality: ESlint (ESlin Airbnb Config), Prettier

UI Library: Ant Design