Project [Shopping-Cart]

Made with Django.

Overview Of the Project

This Project is basically a Shopping-Cart based on Django WebFramework

It has the following features:

  • Sign in/up for user.
  • You Can Sort Products based on Category.
  • View Products of one Category at a time.
  • Add/Delete/Update the product in cart.
  • Calculate the Total Amount and then Checkout.

Getting Started

THe following instructions will help you out in setting up the development enviornment and running up the project on your local machine

  1. Clone the repo:
  2. Create a virtual env. using: virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 (-folder-name-)
  3. Activate the virtual env. using: source (-folder name-)/bin/activate
  4. Install Django and required dependencies from requirements.txt
  5. Navigate to the folder where is located
  6. Then to run our development server run the following command: python runserver

Shopping Cart Home Page

Sign In

Sign Up

Product Details

Cart Overview

Developed Using:

  • Django
  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS

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