

To get started

  • Fork the repo:

  • Clone the repo: git clone{your-github-username}/git-basics.git

  • Navigate to the cloned repo: cd git-basics

  • Create a new branch: git checkout -b {yourName}

  • Now you can add a new file with name and write something in it.

  • It's time to push your changes:

    • First see what you have added/changed by doing: git status
    • To add changes to staging do: git add .
    • To commit changes do: git commit -m "yourName-learning-git" [in quotes you provide the commit message basically]
    • To push changes do: git push origin {branchName} [it will be your name that you used to create a branch]
    • If it asks to add upstream then do that and push again otherwise it's done.
  • To create a pull request:

    • Go to the repo in your Github account and click on contribute Screenshot from 2022-12-30 18-31-55
    • You should see something like below Screenshot from 2022-12-30 18-38-28
  • Click on create pull request

  • It's done 🎉

Key Takeaways:

  • What is Git
  • Why we need Git
  • Git basic commands
  • What is a commit
  • How to add & push changes to a GitHub Repo
  • How to raise a pull request

If you are interested to learn & explore more do checkout this: