
All the backdoors are now getting detected by windows defender ? How to solve this issue ?

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All the backdoors are now getting detected by windows defender ? How to solve this issue ?

Just tested with ./build/ and was not detected, windows 7.

Tested the same template on W10 and DETECTED.

-> worked for me on Windows 10 with defender.

You'r windows defender are update ?
Beacause for me ./build/ is detected.

Whatever, Can you send all commande what you does for the loadfile build ?

Thanks !!

Of course defender is updated. I never had similar problems.
It is all in ./build/, you only need to edit it with your correct ip.

Yes the ./build/ is not detected,
But it don't work.
he don't try to connect to the attack machine.

they is a difference between the code and the exemple at line 13
./make_avet -l thepayload.exe -E

I will update the readme soon for the next version. The build script works for me. If a connection does not work it may have several reasons and unfortunetely I can not give support for everything.