
How to source file in tmux.conf.local

owenstake opened this issue · 5 comments

I want to source extra config file in tmux.conf.local .
I have try add the following line at the end of tmux.conf.local, but it failed.

source ~/xx/xx/tmux.conf

How to achieve this goal?

Hello @owenstake,

Place line in this section of your .local customization file

# -- user customizations -------------------------------------------------------

Hello @owenstake,

Place line in this section of your .local customization file

# -- user customizations -------------------------------------------------------

It not works. I always add this source line at the end of .tmux.conf.local . The sourced file has a lot of configuration about shortcut and plugin.

Hello @owenstake,
Place line in this section of your .local customization file

# -- user customizations -------------------------------------------------------

It not works. I always add this source line at the end of .tmux.conf.local . The sourced file has a lot of configuration about shortcut and plugin.

plugin is not take effective in my soured file.

    set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
    set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect'     # save session

Specifying plugins for anywhere else than the .local customization file itself is not supported

Duplicate of #671