
Why first tmux start for plugins is so slow?

DDGRCF opened this issue · 8 comments

(Ubuntu22.04 Alacritty) I just add two line code into .tmux.conf.local, like below
set -g @plugin 'wfxr/tmux-power' set -g @tmux_power_theme '#8AADF4'
But, when I start tmux first time, it appear to start slowly. (about 5~10 second)


Can you please the gh-713 branch?

I instrumented TPM operations and the tpm_log.txt log now has timestamps


[2024-01-26 17:20:45.197]	 List of discovered tpm plugins: wfxr/tmux-power
[2024-01-26 17:20:45.204]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
[2024-01-26 17:20:45.223]	 Installing "tmux-power"
[2024-01-26 17:20:50.054]	   "tmux-power" download success

[2024-01-26 17:21:06.540]	 List of discovered tpm plugins: wfxr/tmux-power
[2024-01-26 17:21:06.550]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
[2024-01-26 17:21:06.569]	 Already installed "tmux-power"
[2024-01-26 17:21:06.578]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins all
[2024-01-26 17:21:06.588]	 Updating all plugins!
[2024-01-26 17:21:06.588]
[2024-01-26 17:21:10.742]	   "tmux-power" update success
[2024-01-26 17:21:10.744]	     | 已经是最新的。
[2024-01-26 17:21:10.758]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/clean_plugins all

[2024-01-26 17:26:15.372]	 List of discovered tpm plugins: wfxr/tmux-power
[2024-01-26 17:26:15.379]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
[2024-01-26 17:26:15.404]	 Already installed "tmux-power"
[2024-01-26 17:26:15.417]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins all
[2024-01-26 17:26:15.427]	 Updating all plugins!
[2024-01-26 17:26:15.427]
[2024-01-26 17:26:19.353]	   "tmux-power" update success
[2024-01-26 17:26:19.356]	     | 已经是最新的。
[2024-01-26 17:26:19.368]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/clean_plugins all

So each time there's a an empty line in the log is when the tmux configuration was loaded or reloaded.

[2024-01-26 17:20:45.197]	 List of discovered tpm plugins: wfxr/tmux-power
[2024-01-26 17:20:45.204]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
[2024-01-26 17:20:45.223]	 Installing "tmux-power"
[2024-01-26 17:20:50.054]	   "tmux-power" download success

Unfortunately TPM takes 5s on your network to clone the tmux-power repository

I updated the gh-713 branch so as to launch TPM right away when it's already cloned.

Which means the very first time TPM and plugins are cloned, it's still going to be as fast as your internet connection. But then it can load plugins already cloned before updating them or installing some more.

Hello @DDGRCF,

Did you get the chance to try the latest version of the gh-713 branch and see if it improves your situation?

Hello @DDGRCF,

Did you get the chance to try the latest version of the gh-713 branch and see if it improves your situation?

yeh! A little better than before, but still not instant

Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/clean_plugins all ...
[2024-01-29 13:45:21.926]	 List of discovered tpm plugins: wfxr/tmux-power tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat tmux-plugins/tmux-cpu tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum
[2024-01-29 13:45:21.934]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
[2024-01-29 13:45:21.954]	 Installing "tmux-resurrect"
[2024-01-29 13:45:21.954]	 Installing "tmux-copycat"
[2024-01-29 13:45:21.954]	 Installing "tmux-cpu"
[2024-01-29 13:45:21.955]	 Already installed "tmux-power"
[2024-01-29 13:45:21.955]	 Installing "tmux-continuum"
[2024-01-29 13:45:26.476]	   "tmux-continuum" download success
[2024-01-29 13:45:26.920]	   "tmux-cpu" download success
[2024-01-29 13:45:26.946]	   "tmux-copycat" download success
[2024-01-29 13:45:31.784]	   "tmux-resurrect" download success
[2024-01-29 13:45:31.802]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins all
[2024-01-29 13:45:31.814]	 Updating all plugins!
[2024-01-29 13:45:31.814]	 
[2024-01-29 13:45:34.710]	   "tmux-cpu" update success
[2024-01-29 13:45:34.710]	   "tmux-continuum" update success
[2024-01-29 13:45:34.711]	     | 已经是最新的。
[2024-01-29 13:45:34.711]	     | 已经是最新的。
[2024-01-29 13:45:34.714]	   "tmux-power" update success
[2024-01-29 13:45:34.715]	     | 已经是最新的。
[2024-01-29 13:45:34.798]	   "tmux-copycat" update success
[2024-01-29 13:45:34.801]	     | 已经是最新的。
[2024-01-29 13:45:35.809]	   "tmux-resurrect" update success
[2024-01-29 13:45:35.813]	     | 已经是最新的。
[2024-01-29 13:45:35.828]	 Invoking /home/r/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/clean_plugins all

Well it's TPM doing its work and there's pretty much nothing I can do about it unfortunately. All that is already happening in a background job and doesn't block interacting with tmux and the plugins already present on your filesystem