
Suggestion for keybinds

Closed this issue · 2 comments

FIrst thanks for your great har work

Why not create a keybinding for that in .tmux.conf?

These two settings let you create/kill a new session when pressing Prefix S (Shift+s) or Prefix K (Shift+k) respectively:

bind S command-prompt -p "New Session:" "new-session -A -s '%%'"
bind K confirm kill-session

Prefix Shift+s will open a command prompt in the status line, asking for a new session name. It will either create a new session with that name or attach to an already existing session by that name.

Hello @dr3mro 👋

Why not create a keybinding for that in .tmux.conf?

These two settings let you create/kill a new session when pressing Prefix S (Shift+s) or Prefix K (Shift+k) respectively:

bind S command-prompt -p "New Session:" "new-session -A -s '%%'"
bind K confirm kill-session

Well, first there's tmux_conf_new_session_prompt=true.

And then, what bindings look ideal to ones doesn't look ideal to others.
As such I now refrain myself as much as possible from adding bindings or changing bindings.
Why kill-session but not kill-window?
I suggest that you define your own bindings adjustments in your .local customization file