
repository.Create does not return HTTP status code of the operation on failure

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gphotos-uploader-cli does not respect Google Photos quote limit because google-photos-api-client-go album Repository.Create does not return anything useful in the error message that would indicate that the limit has been reached.
All it returns is

(*url.Error)(0xc00072cc30)(Post "": POST giving up after 5 attempt(s))

Informing the user there has been 5 attempts, but the HTTP code there is no where to be found.
To solve this issue in gphotos-uploader-cli one can attempt to write something ugly like this

album, err := service.Create(ctx, title)
	if err != nil {
		if urlerr, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok {
			if  strings.ToUpper(urlerr.Op) == http.MethodPost && urlerr.URL == "" {
				wrappedErr := urlerr.Unwrap()
				if strings.HasPrefix(wrappedErr.Error(), "POST giving up after ") {
					return "", fmt.Errorf("quota limit reached for %w, check", err)
		return "", err

But since it does not know what the original problem was, it could mislead. So essentially there is no way to fix it in gphotos-uploader-cli It has to be fixed here, in this project.

The issue happens at line 185 push.go gphotos-uploader-cli
But I am pretty sure there are other places in gphotos-uploader-cli where HTTP failure code would be useful. I would think that Google Photos API reliable return HTTP 429 for quota exceed status.
Finally I would suggest returning http.MethodPost in urlerr.Op in place of Post since it would be easier to compare it with a standard constant.