
Enhancing Code Refactoring Capability for Advanced Code Generation

moamen270 opened this issue · 2 comments

Feature description

Refactoring code is an essential aspect of software development, aiding in improving code readability, maintainability, and performance. However, the process of identifying which methods or functions need refactoring, along with understanding their dependencies and potential impact on the overall software, can be challenging.


The goal of this issue is to enhance code generation agent's ability to perform advanced code refactoring. By improving its capability to analyze code, identify refactor opportunities, and understand the implications of those changes, we can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our code generation process.

What strategies or methodologies can we employ to further enhance code generation agent's capability to intelligently identify refactor opportunities and predict their impact on the software system?

Hi @moamen270! Do you have some specifics of what you would like to tackle here? If you can share more details, that would be great to help us understand.

I am closing this due to inactivity.