
Story-book example sometimes fails to create `pages` directory resulting in the illustration and story not being saved.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

gptscript version - v0.0.0-dev-4909c513-dirty

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Clone
  2. Make a change in examples/story-book/story-book.gpt for tool story-illustrator to point to repo -tools:
  3. Run gptscript story-book.gpt, from examples/story-book/ dir.
  4. Script fails to create pages directory , resulting in no illustration and story not being saved.
14:04:36 download [] to [pages/3.png]
14:04:36 download [] to [pages/2.png]
14:04:36 download [] to [pages/1.png]
2024/03/07 14:04:42 failed to create [pages/3.png]: open pages/3.png: no such file or directory
ls -ltr
total 32
-rw-r--r--  1 sangeethahariharan  staff  2186 Mar  6 13:38
-rw-r--r--  1 sangeethahariharan  staff  2405 Mar  7 10:16 story-book.gpt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 sangeethahariharan  staff  4307 Mar  7 10:36 index.html

I was able to reproduce this issue multiple times following these steps:

  1. Delete all existing entries from existing cache repo dir -(~/Library/Caches/gptscript/repos) .
  2. Make a change in examples/story-book/story-book.gpt for tool story-illustrator to point to repo - tools:
  3. Run gptscript story-book.gpt from examples/story-book/ dir.

mkdir is not being called . Not sure if this is relating to tool packaging .
Running the script second time , resulted this time in mkdir being called.

I think that this is no longer relevant now that it is a full web-app @sangee2004, if that's true could you go ahead and close this?