Confused by the types of copyBufferToTexture
baptistemanson opened this issue · 1 comments
baptistemanson commented
I read the great proposal for copy by @Kangz . I understood we want to support "copy a portion of the buffer to a region of the texture".
In the specs the last parameter of the copyBufferToTexture is:
typedef (sequence<GPUIntegerCoordinate> or GPUExtent3DDict) GPUExtent3D;
In the types I see:
// (either a point xor dimension).
export type GPUExtent3D = [number, number, number] | GPUExtent3DDict;
A XOR/union sounds inadequate, I think we wanted at least an intersection (both offset and dimensions to define a proper region)?
Or are we expected to change the offset in the buffer object and the texture object directly?
Thank you!
kainino0x commented
[number, number, number]
and { width, height, depth }
are just two ways you can pass the extent into WebGPU. Spec here.
The offset is in GPUTextureCopyView.origin.