
Add option to use default <audio> tag

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, in old versions of Gradio there was no custom audio component and it used the built-in HTML audio element. The new component is amazing most of the time but for certain use cases it would be nice to have the built-in audio element back. Is there any way to do that, besides downgrading? Thanks!

pngwn commented

What about the current audio element doesn't work for you? Is it the size?

That, and I want the user to be able to skip to any part of the audio file without horizontal scrolling

pngwn commented

I see. Maybe we could create a minimal variant that better matches the old UX (but looks nicer).

Cc @hannahblair

@fakerybakery Duly noted! Will have a think about how to implement this.

This should solve this, right? #6801

I was more looking for a way to allow the user to skip anywhere in a longer audio file without having to horizontally scroll