
Failed to stop service 'gitHubDependencyExtractorService'

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am attempting to use version 3.3.0 in a multi-module project and receive the following exception:

2: Task failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Failed to stop service 'gitHubDependencyExtractorService'.

The GitHubDependencyGraphPlugin plugin encountered errors while writing the dependency snapshot json file. Please report this issue at:

Caused by: org.gradle.api.GradleException: The GitHubDependencyGraphPlugin plugin encountered errors while writing the dependency snapshot json file. Please report this issue at:
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.DependencyExtractor.close(DependencyExtractor.kt:271)
... 132 more
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The configuration parameter 'GITHUB_JOB_CORRELATOR' must be set: set an environment variable, or use '-DGITHUB_JOB_CORRELATOR=value' on the command-line.
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.util.PluginParameters.throwEnvironmentVariableMissingException(PluginParameters.kt:34)
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.util.PluginParameters.load(PluginParameters.kt:25)
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.util.PluginParameters.load$default(PluginParameters.kt:21)
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.DependencyExtractor$gitHubSnapshotParams$2.invoke(DependencyExtractor.kt:55)
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.DependencyExtractor$gitHubSnapshotParams$2.invoke(DependencyExtractor.kt:23)
at kotlin.SynchronizedLazyImpl.getValue(LazyJVM.kt:74)
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.DependencyExtractor.getGitHubSnapshotParams(DependencyExtractor.kt)
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.DependencyExtractor.writeDependencyGraph(DependencyExtractor.kt:242)
at org.gradle.github.dependencygraph.internal.DependencyExtractor.close(DependencyExtractor.kt:269)

How are you using the plugin?
The error message indicates that you aren't setting one of the required inputs:

The configuration parameter 'GITHUB_JOB_CORRELATOR' must be set: set an environment variable, or use '-DGITHUB_JOB_CORRELATOR=value' on the command-line.

If you're using this plugin standalone, please first try getting it working using these instructions: That way you don't need to provide any GitHub specific context.

Sorry, you shouldn't have been asked to "Please report this issue" in this case.
The exception message identifies the problem and what you need to do to fix it.
I've raised #134 to fix the error message to make this clearer in the future.

I found a cause. On not-ephemeral build like a self-hosted server, init script is left on gradle user home init.d directory.
If you have used gradle-build-action@v2.8.1 or earler, the init script still 0.2.0 that is not use GITHUB_JOB_CORRELATOR.

If you want to fix this, try to delete gradle user home's init script.