
Provide download counts and stats

Opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Provide download counts and stats for a better understanding of the plugins in the portal.

Expected Behavior

Plugins in the portal should show how many times it has been downloaded over time and any other useful stats.

Current Behavior

Currently, download stats are missing from plugins in the plugin portal.


Without the download counts and stats, it is difficult to know if we are dealing with a mature plugin, an up to date one, an outdated one or a brand new one which not many are using.

Download/usage statistics are a very useful indicator about the maturity of a plugin. To me this would be a very useful addition

We're actively working on refining how we internally get our own download counts. Currently, the way we get download counts for your plugins is very kludgy and we need something better.

One of the issues for us is that, monitoring download counts for us isn't as easy as just counting the number of requests for each plugin that we get. All of the plugin download requests are fronted by our CDN Cloudflare. Many of the HTTP requests for your plugin downloads never actually hit our servers. As such, we have to get this information from the CDN API, then display it. This has been a long-standing feature request that we've discussed internally but can't currently commit to adding at this time. Please continue to add ๐Ÿ‘ to this issue to support it.


Could this issue get some priority so we can have it resolved this year please? ๐Ÿ™

BTW, this is the top voted issue of the repository (even among closed issues).

As others have said, this is the highest voted issue thatโ€™s currently open. Is there a reason this couldnโ€™t be implemented even after 2.5 years?
