
Gradle Wrapper validation failed after update to Gradle 8.5

Closed this issue · 2 comments

See Omico/Gradm@839f5aa

I run sha256sum .\gradle-wrapper.jar locally and the result is d3b261c2820e9e3d8d639ed084900f11f4a86050a8f83342ade7b6bc9b0d2bdd which is the same as

I have no idea why it shows c7b7b1c6cfacde8aa3c4485f2b367ff99c6ef1d57e2d4d98f4b7e0dcfecc4954 on the CI.

I've encountered exactly the same problem, even the same sha256 sum. It's because Git mistakenly consider the version 8.5 gradle-wrapper.jar file as a text file and automatically change the line ending CRLF to LF, though it was not the same behavior before version 8.5. Adding *.jar -text to your .gitattribute and regenerate the wrapper jar should fix the problem.

@Eterocell Thanks, this is exactly the problem I'm having. Appreciate your response!