
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

Closed this issue · 11 comments



Run gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

@jaredsburrows can you link to a specific line?

That looks like a DNS lookup failure. '' is a DNS record configured through cloudflare. I wish we had a better stack trace here. This is probably happening just because the HTTP library that the GH action uses under the hood doesn't retry DNS lookups. Maybe we should do our own retrying in our code. @eskatos thoughts?

@jaredsburrows is this the first time you've ever seen this?

Yes. I am wondering if it was some fluke. Like maybe there was not internet or something?

Sounds like this is a transient DNS lookup failure issue. Simple fix is more robust retry, I think.

I think that adding a retry wouldn't hurt given we only do idempotent requests.
Let's see if we get more reports before taking action.

not entirely the same, but I got Error: connect ETIMEDOUT today... that one might be less transient than a DNS lookup failure though, so not sure retry would have helped anyway

Yea, so I think this is a sign we need to put in some retry logic. Thanks for the comment.

Hope that this issue has been resolved by #39

Closed by #39