
READ any Collection to display what that collection HAS

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A user is able to click an affordance for any of the Collections, and see the current status of that collection.

Acceptance Criteria
Given "Uncle Pat" is logged in as user id=3, and wants to see "Andrew's" collection
When "Uncle Pat" clicks the affordance for Andrew's collection
Then "Uncle Pat" should see all of Andrew's quarters
And if Uncle Pat wants to view any other collection, he is able to click an affordance for any other collections in the database and see that collections' status.


  • all collections are listed on the DOM and are clickable.
  • onClick any collection that is listed in the <CollectionDetail / > component, for example, click "Andrew", getAll of Andrew's quarters
  • map over the collection's quarters into the < HasCard /> component; which renders them onto the DOM
  • any state that is in the "needs" column will have a button to "Add" that state into that specific collection.
  • embed/expand JSON call to render "Alaska" vice "stateId=48" for both HasCard and NeedsCard