
competing risk, multivariate

abadereddeen opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to use the package in the presence of competing risk.
I going through the issue that if I include more than one variable (x1+x2) in the survival model, I get an error saying that object x2 is not found,
I tried also the epileptic data and I got the same error when I tried to include gender and age in the model

`> data(epileptic)

longitudinal <- epileptic[, c(1:3)]
survival <- UniqueVariables(epileptic, c(4, 6), "id")
baseline <- UniqueVariables(epileptic, c(“age”,”gender”), "id")
data <- jointdata(longitudinal = longitudinal,
survival = survival,
baseline = baseline,
id.col = "id",
time.col = "time")

fit2 <- joint(data = data,
long.formula = dose ~ time,
surv.formula = Surv(with.time, with.status2) ~ gender+age,
longsep = FALSE, survsep = FALSE,
gpt = 3)`

Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'age' not found
In addition: Warning message:
In names(survdat2)[(ncol(survdat) + 1):ncol(survdat2)] <- attr(surv.terms, :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of rep
lacement length

I have moved the issue to here: petephilipson#14