
Suggestion for ReadMorphNexus

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi Graeme,

Just a quick suggestion for allowing ReadMorphNexus to detect lines that have too many/few characters. You could add the following line 613:

    # Little test to check the number of characters on each line is the same as nchar:
    wrong.character.number <- which(unlist(lapply(discrete.matrix, length)) != nchar)
    if(length(wrong.character.number) > 0) stop(paste("Taxa number", wrong.character.number, "has too many or too few characters.\n"))

This way it will actually print out the lines that have too many/few characters which makes it easier to find the taxa that are messing up the data!



Hi Graeme,

Another suggestion for treating gaps as - rather than NA: TGuillerme@9a1cc6b



Hi Graeme,

I've also modified MakeMorphMatrix and WriteMorphNexus to deal with inapplicable tokens ("-"): TGuillerme@c8cee8e



Thanks Thomas. As you know by now I decided to represent inapplicable states with empty strings ("") so am closing this issue.