
Error when selecting a Druid datasource

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I was able to add the plugin (v1.2.0) and create a Druid datasource, but as soon as I select it on a dashboard, I get an error:

An unexpected error happened
Error: Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

    at eval (https://myserver:4000/public/plugins/grafadruid-druid-datasource/module.js:2:780517)
    at t (https://myserver:4000/public/build/app.63a9c1d648180e457252.js:2:1910828)
    at t (https://myserver:4000/public/build/app.63a9c1d648180e457252.js:2:1911358)

This is in Grafana v7.4.3.

Hello @rschindlauer
How did you install the plugin ?
Thank you!

Hello @rschindlauer How did you install the plugin ? Thank you!

Via the CLI:

sudo ./grafana-cli --pluginsDir /opt/grafana-7/data/plugins plugins install grafadruid-druid-datasource

There is a separate Grafana 6 installation on that host, but I don't think that interfered in any way.

Hello @rschindlauer
Is that issue still active ?

Hello @rschindlauer Is that issue still active ?

I haven't tried any further. You can close it.

Ok. Feel free to re-open if the need resurge