
[Question] this plugin can support grafana5?

YouZhengChuan opened this issue · 1 comments

my grafana version is 5.3.0. When I tried to use this plugin, grafana logs shows that the plugin failed to load.

t=2021-06-22T20:34:55+0800 lvl=eror msg="Failed to init plugin." logger=plugins error="Incompatible API version with plugin. Plugin version: 2, Core version: 1" plugin=grafadruid-druid-datasource
t=2021-06-22T20:34:55+0800 lvl=dbug msg="Looking for App Dashboard Updates" logger=plugins
t=2021-06-22T20:34:55+0800 lvl=dbug msg="plugin process exited" logger=plugins plugin-id=grafadruid-druid-datasource path=/opt/grafana/data/plugins/grafadruid-druid-datasource/grafadruid-druid-datasource_linux_amd64

Hello @YouZhengChuan
I'll be happy to review a PR that provide such support but I won't be investing my own energy to provide it.
If you feel it, feel free to open a PR and I'll review it :)