filter by Dimension
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Would be good to be able to filter by Dimension. Currently it is only "eq" (equals).
Wildcard as part of the name doesn't seem to be working for filtering like "incomming_queue_*" to get only metrics for dimensions starting with that name.
This is needed when working with message bus and want to get number of messages of particular queues.
Had a look at the API call that is done in Azure portal and the filter is chained:
filter=EntityName eq 'incoming_queue_nx' or EntityName eq 'incoming_queue_xs' or EntityName eq 'incoming_queue_gx' or EntityName eq 'incoming_queue_dx' or EntityName eq 'incoming_queue_xe'
So we would need the possibility to add additional filter fields in the Metrics query editor
I would like to have this possibility also 👍