
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES are not being set for Metrics / Traces for Beyla eBPF Instrumentation

SeamusGrafana opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to add some Resource Attributes to the Metrics / Traces Exported by Beyla for an Application its Auto Instrumenting, so I can use it with Application Observability. For example, I want to include the deployment.environment Resource Attribute in all Traces.

I have set it in the OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES Env Var;

env {
  value = "deployment.environment=productions,source.upstream=beyla"

But it does not seem to be included in Traces/Metrics from Beyla for my App;


However, it is included in Traces about Beyla itself;


This used to work before, but I dont know exactly when it stopped working.

I reproduced this on version 1.6.4, traces are completely missing on 1.7