
How to debug an issue: [django_saml2_auth.utils.handle_exception] 'UserName'

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I'm experiencing a Sorry, you are not allowed to access this app, Error code: 1103 after receiving a SAML2 response from my identity provider. I see UserName in the Attributes section of my SAML response. I'm hoping to get guidance on how to troubleshoot this issue.

The following is the current saml2 auth config for my django app:

    SAML2_AUTH = {
        "METADATA_AUTO_CONF_URL": f"https://<idp hostname>/sso/saml/metadata",
        "DEFAULT_NEXT_URL": "/admin",
        "ATTRIBUTES_MAP": {
            "email": "Email",
            "username": "UserName",
            "first_name": "FirstName",
            "last_name": "LastName",
            "okta_groups": "OktaGroups",
        "NEW_USER_PROFILE": {
            "USER_GROUPS": [],
            "ACTIVE_STATUS": True,
            "STAFF_STATUS": True,
            "SUPERUSER_STATUS": False, 
        "TRIGGER": {
            "CREATE_USER": "<create user hook>",
            "BEFORE_LOGIN": "<before login hook>",
        "ENTITY_ID": f"https://{site_hostname}/saml2_auth/acs/",
        "TOKEN_REQUIRED": False,
        "DEBUG": True,

fyi @mostafa

Closing because the bug was in the post-saml2 auth