
Can we also have filtering feature?

karankural opened this issue · 4 comments

My spreadsheet can have a column "status" with multiple values "open", "closed" and "in-progress". I should be able to apply a where clause to show only "open" status items.

That would be good to have. Right now you can filter only on time.
You have some limited functions in "Datatable Panel Plugin" - to sort column (asc/desc) to use common Search filter.
Here is my implementation if Gsheet in this panel:

This will get a lot more interesting in grafana 7.0 -- we are adding the concept of a "transformation" in the frontend that will let you further process results from the datasource.

@ryantxu , I am counting the days for this release! I was waiting for this Mathematics between metrics :)

This is not possible with the API, by now you can do this in grafana with transformations.